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Martyna Wiśniewska
Martyna Wiśniewska
Date Added: 24-07-2018

Dietary supplements supporting the protection of joints


In other words, synovial joints that form the most mobile joints of bones. In order to perform proper functions, they consist of joint capsules, joint surfaces and joint cavities.

In addition, most joints are strengthened by ligaments, such as the knee joint is secured by ligaments: cruciate, collateral and patellar ligament. Whoever has damaged one of these ligaments at least once knows that the regeneration of the knee joint is long-term and requires a lot of therapeutic work.

The proper function of the joints is also supported by the tendons of the muscles that protect the joint capsule. The additional protection of the joint is goo, which affects the proper friction in the joint and nourishes the joint cartilage. Thanks to the proper production of synovial fluid, we are able to perform movements without unnecessary friction in the joint, which can damage the bone structure over time and lead to injury.

It is not a good idea to do exercises when you regularly hear "shooting knees" while doing squats. In this case, we recommend that you undergo a doctor's check-up, who will be able to determine what is the cause of the problem by analyzing X-ray and ultrasound images.



It affects many people, both those who train and those less active. The main causes of joint damage in people practicing sports are overloads, often caused by too much physical effort during training. They may result from an incorrect exercise technique, a deficient diet that does not provide adequate nutrients, or from the lack of post-workout regeneration.

Problems with the joints also have people who have undergone mechanical damage, resulting, for example, from random events or accidents. They are often a big problem for the patient who, even after proper rehabilitation, cannot return to full fitness. The most natural and most common form of joint damage is observed in the elderly.

Changing the structure of the joint can lead to frequent dislocations or fractures. With age, the articular cartilage loses its elasticity and gaps are formed, which will lead to the exposure of calcified parts of the subchondral bone, and consequently to irreversible damage in the joint.



1. Performing training with exercises strengthening the muscular system, along with mobilization exercises, increasing the range of motion in the joint.
2. Using the right nutrition that will prevent cell aging and degenerative processes,
3. It may be necessary to supplement the joints, which brings the expected effects when used regularly,
4. It is necessary to use proper joint regeneration, and watch out for joint overload caused by long-term or incorrect effort.



There are plenty of preparations for joints on the market - leading products from Jarrow, Yango, Doctor's Best and Swanson. Let's list the substances contained in these preparations, the action of which supports regeneration and soothes inflammation of our joints.

Collagen - in our body it is responsible for the elasticity and strength of tissues. There are different types of collagen, where in terms of joint protection, we are most interested in type II collagen, which is a component of joint cartilage.

As a curiosity, the collagen responsible for the beautiful appearance of the skin is type I collagen, which we can buy in the form of many creams, lotions or powder. It should be remembered that during the aging process, the level of collagen in the body decreases significantly, so collagen for joints is especially recommended for the elderly.

According to the manufacturers, the main source of collagen available in supplements are farm cattle, fish (this is one of the new ways of obtaining collagen), or the remains of slaughtered pigs. Often, other substances are added to collagen supplements, e.g. vitamins, minerals or MSM, which increase the effectiveness of the joint preparation.

Collagen is recommended for diseases such as rheumatism, osteoporosis or arthritis, because it relieves joint pain and rebuilds tissues. Manufacturers offer us preparations in the form of tablets, powder or liquid.

Recommended dosage of collagen: optionally 10 g per day, in winter the dose may increase to 15-20 g.

Possible side effects when using collagen: It is possible to develop an allergic skin reaction caused by an allergy to the animals from which the supplement is made (cow, pig, sea creatures). In extreme cases, increasing the recommended dose of the preparation may cause hypercalcemia - excess of calcium in the body.

Chondroitin - the basic component of the connective tissue, thanks to which the production of natural synovial fluid takes place, in particular its main component, i.e. hyaluronic acid. Often, people with more serious joint damage decide to inject hyaluronic acid, which does not have a long-term effect. Often, such a treatment should be repeated every few / several months. However, regular chondroitin supplementation, preferably together with glucosamine, can lead to a natural reaction of our body, which will affect the natural reaction of synovial fluid production.

To bring the role of goo in our pond closer, it can be compared to the role of oil in the engine of each car. Chondroitin in the synovial fluid is in the form of sulfate and this is the most effective form of this compound. We recommend choosing preparations for joints, paying attention to what type of substance is in the product to achieve the best possible results.

Very often, chondroitin in supplements for joints is combined with glucosamine and vitamin C, which intensify its effect. It should also be mentioned that it is a safe supplement to use for everyone.

Recommended chondroitin sulfate dosage: The therapeutic oral dose is 800-1200 mg per day.

Possible side effects when using chondroitin sulfate: well tolerated, there are no studies confirming side effects.

MSM - organic sulfur compound (otherwise active sulfur), which reduces pain, reduces swelling and increases joint flexibility by participating in the production of collagen.
According to some studies, MSM also has other health-promoting properties, such as: neutralizing free radicals, supporting the work of the liver and digestive system, accelerating the wound healing process and preventing scarring. Although sulfur is a trace element in our body, it is its deficiency can cause a number of diseases called civilization diseases, including: cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease, or allergies.

Recommended dosage of MSM: it is an individual matter, with prolonged use, it is recommended to maintain a dose of 1g a day, although the sulfur saturation system is often used, which assumes an increase in the dose to 3-5 g, and then to 15 g (in 3 portions of 5 g), Then there is a decrease in the dose, again to 3-5 g and a permanent return to the dose of 1 g per day. We use saturation, of course, assuming that we feel good with the smallest dose.

Possible side effects when using MSM: digestive system disorders, allergies, skin rashes, headaches.
Hyaluronic acid - one of the most commonly used substances due to its regenerative functions of aging skin. Its main role is to bind water in the skin. Thanks to this, it has found its application in aesthetic medicine and skin care cosmetics.

However, from our sports point of view, hyaluronic acid is used as a medicinal substance, which is injected into the joint, where the joint sockets are damaged due to the lack of an appropriate amount of synovial fluid.

Most often, the treatment with hyaluronic acid is injecting the joint every few / several months, a single treatment is unlikely to bring any effect. Injections are quite expensive, so a good diagnosis is important, which will show whether the deficit of hyaluronic acid is really the main problem. This happens only when the cause of the ailment is a decrease in the volume or viscosity of the synovial fluid.

Another form of supplying hyaluronic acid is its supplementation, but it should be noted that it should be in a low-molecular form and of natural origin, resulting from natural plant fermentation. To increase the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid supplementation, you should visit a physiotherapist and a competent personal trainer who will increase the mobility of the joint, improve the body and reduce weight.

Recommended dosage of hyaluronic acid sulphate: a dose of about 100 mg/day in tablets, seems to be safe.

Possible side effects when using hyaluronic acid sulfate: allergic reaction, headache.

Glucosamine - a chemical compound naturally occurring in the body, synthesized from glucose and glutamine molecules. It is found in large amounts in joints and connective tissue. We practically do not provide glucosamine in food (only shellfish contain its trace amount). It turns out that the only effective form of increasing its level in the body is glucosamine supplementation or injection. There are several forms of glucosamine, but the most effective (and the only one whose effectiveness is supported by research) is glucosamine sulfate.

The main advantage of supplementation is the alleviation of inflammation in the joint, which occurs, for example, in people with arthritis. Studies also indicate a higher effectiveness in relieving pain in the knee, elbow or spine joints compared to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which only relieve pain, but do not inhibit the development of the disease. Of course, with NSAIDs you will achieve a relatively quick reduction in pain, but this will be a short-term effect. As research shows, glucosamine sulphate also proves to be effective in joint degeneration, in particular in joint supplementation with chondroitin. It should be borne in mind that, as in other preparations for joints, the effectiveness of glucosamine sulphate can be seen with its regular use in a multi-week treatment.

Recommended dosage of glucosamine sulphate: preferably 3 times a day, 500 mg with a meal. In people with significant obesity, this dose should be increased.

Possible side effects when using glucosamine sulphate: cases of gastrointestinal disorders, allergic skin reactions, headaches are rare.

SAM-e - S-adenosylmethionine, is a substance naturally occurring in all cells of our body, where it has a number of functions. In particular, in medicine it is known as a preparation helpful in the treatment of mental disorders such as depression, neurosis, schizophrenia. It improves the well-being and reduces the aggression of patients, it is particularly effective in tandem with the appropriate pharmacology.

Scientific research proves that SAM-e not only affects psychiatric disorders, but also regenerates joints. Participates in the synthesis of the components of articular cartilage. In many countries, SAM-e is used for osteoarthritis, where its supplementation achieves virtually identical effects as treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The researchers also point out that SAM-e does not cause the side effects that can occur with the use of NSAIDs. SAM-e has been on the Polish market for a relatively short time and is already gaining more and more supporters. Analyzing the available research, it turns out that it is one of the most effective preparations for joints.

Recommended dosage of SAM-e: from 400 mg to 1600 mg, depending on what ailment we are dealing with. With joint problems, we can take a dose of 600-1200 mg.

Possible side effects when using SAM-e: when maintaining the recommended dose, no symptoms occur. When the recommended dose is exceeded, the following may occur: vomiting, headache, insomnia, nervousness. Pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before taking the supplement.

Boswellia serrata - an Indian plant that has been used in local medicine for generations. It is known mainly for its anti-inflammatory properties, which are confirmed by research. Boswellia reduces pain and swelling in arthritis. It also works great with therapy aimed at increasing mobility in the knee joint, as well as when we are struggling with the problem of swollen knees.

In addition to anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, Boswellia turns out to help as an anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-allergic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-rheumatic agent, as well as supports the treatment of the digestive system or Crohn's disease.

Recommended dosage of Boswellia serrata: from 600 mg to 1200 mg / day, preferably broken down into 2-3 portions.

Possible side effects when using Boswellia serrata: It should not be used by pregnant women, women with menstrual disorders, or people with lung or kidney problems.

Recommended preparations for joints:

JARROW FORMULAS Glucosamine + Chondroitin + MSM 240 capsules

JARROW FORMULAS Glucosamine + Chondroitin + MSM 240 capsules

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate are the basic components of the connective tissue involved in the production of hyaluronic acid, which is an important component of the synovial fluid, "oils" the joints and is the main component of the connective tissue in the skin.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an organic source of sulfur, an antioxidant mineral and a critical component of structural body tissues such as cartilage. The sulfur from MSM is incorporated into the connective tissue as glycosaminoglycans (or mucopolysaccharides) such as chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid.
Vitamin C and manganese are essential for the synthesis of collagen and cartilage.
Jarrow Formulas® Glucosamine Sulfur is SODIUM FREE and is stabilized with Potassium Chloride (KCI).
DOSAGE: Take 4 capsules daily or as directed by your qualified healthcare professional.

Doctor's Best SAM-e 200

Doctor's Best SAM-e 200 - 60 vegetarian tablets

Doctor's Best SAM-e improves mood and promotes cognitive health.
SAM-e is essential for the healthy metabolism of the brain's major transmitters, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
SAM-e is proven to promote proper joint function, mobility, and support liver health and detoxification
Pharmaceutical Ingredients: Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Vegan
Dosage: 2 tablets a day. Do not increase the given dose for consumption.

NATROL Glucosamine 1500mg Chondroitin 1200mg


Glucosamine and chondroitin together are a dynamic duo for joint cartilage regeneration, joint lubrication and increased mobility.
Glucosamine and chondroitin are natural building blocks of connective tissue found in our body. But natural levels of glucosamine and chondroitin decline with age, leading to progressive joint deterioration.
Glucosamine, also called chitosamine, is a natural substance found in our cartilage. Glucosamine is most commonly used to relieve joint pain caused by arthritis.
Chondroitin is also found in our connective tissues. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that those who took chondroitin supplements felt less pain, increased joint mobility, and reduced the need for painkillers.
Natrol Glucosamine and Chondroitin combines these two powerful joint health ingredients in a formula designed to keep your joints healthy and comfortable.
Dosage: 1 capsule three times a day with food.

YANGO Multivitamin - Premium Collagen 10 000 mg - 500 ml


Collagen in a dose of 10,000 mg will satisfy the most demanding people. Thanks to it, you will quickly and effectively supplement collagen deficiencies, and with long-term supplementation you will be able to feel the entire spectrum of the highest quality type 1 and 3 collagen on the body. Regular use of collagen supports the health of skin, hair, bones and cartilage.
Stay young for longer!
Collagen + Hyaluronic Acid + Silicon + Vitamins
As much as 10,000 mg of collagen in a daily dose!
Highly absorbable Pure Peptide® formula
An effective combination of type I and III collagen
The contained vitamin C and silicon support the biosynthesis of collagen
Collagen is the basic building block of many organs, such as skin, cartilage, tendons, bones and teeth. Without it, the proper functioning of the body would be impossible. Collagen provides the skin with proper regeneration and hydration. It improves its elasticity and firmness and prevents sagging. In addition, collagen helps to deal with cellulite.

Did you know that collagen makes up more than half of all skin proteins? That is why it has a decisive influence on its appearance and condition. The salutary effect of collagen will also be felt by the hair, which with a sufficiently high concentration of collagen will become stronger and more dense. Collagen also reduces the potential for hair loss.

Premium Collagen also contains 19 amino acids essential for health.
DOSAGE: 25 ml per day, shake before use. After opening, store in the refrigerator. Consume within 2 months of opening.

Doctor's Best Hyaluronic Acid + Chondroitin Sulfate - 60 caps

Doctor's Best Hyaluronic Acid + Chondroitin Sulfate - 60 caps

Doctor's Best Hyaluronic Acid, along with Chondroitin Sulfate and BioCell Collagen®, supports healthy joint structure and youthful skin
BioCell Collagen® is a proven dietary ingredient that contains a patented composition of naturally occurring hydrolyzed type II collagen (60%), chondroitin sulfate (20%) and hyaluronic acid (10%) in a highly absorbable matrix
Clinically proven to help maintain joint function.
Gluten free, non-GMO
Dosage: Take 2 tablets with or without food.

The ranking was prepared on the basis of the best-selling dietary supplements for joints. Check out all products from the Joints and tendons category


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Martyna Wiśniewska
Martyna Wiśniewska
Clinical dietician and PhD student specializing in gastrointestinal disorders. In her scientific work, she focuses on treating stress-related diseases through proper diet and body awareness. In her dietetic practice, she emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to the patient. Above all, she strives to make food a form of medicine. As a dietician, she helps with clinical diet therapy, assisting not only in weight loss but also in feeling better in one's own body. In her office, she sees patients whom she helps with the treatment of diet-related diseases such as diabetes, insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis, and in the therapy of allergies and food intolerances in diseases such as celiac disease, Hashimoto's disease, Crohn's disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and thyroid diseases. Patients suffering from eating disorders, depression, sleep problems, chronic stress, or simply those who want to have more energy in life can rely on professional help.
Clinical dietician and PhD student specializing in gastrointestinal disorders. In her scientific work, she focuses on treating stress-related diseases through proper diet and body awareness. In her dietetic practice, she emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to the patient. Above all, she strives to make food a form of medicine. As a dietician, she helps with clinical diet therapy, assisting not only in weight loss but also in feeling better in one's own body. In her office, she sees patients whom she helps with the treatment of diet-related diseases such as diabetes, insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, atherosclerosis, and in the therapy of allergies and food intolerances in diseases such as celiac disease, Hashimoto's disease, Crohn's disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and thyroid diseases. Patients suffering from eating disorders, depression, sleep problems, chronic stress, or simply those who want to have more energy in life can rely on professional help.
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