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Loyalty Program Regulations

Loyalty Program Regulations


The terms used in these Regulations mean: 

  1. or Seller - the organizer of the Loyalty Program is the company GlobalSell Sp. z o.o., headquartered at Śluzowa 21, 59-700 Bolesławiec, with tax identification number NIP 6121872334, REGON: 387520751, KRS: 0001055286. Contact with the company is possible via email: [email protected] or by phone at +668207098. 
  2. Loyalty Program or Program - a loyalty program created by the Seller, aimed at the customers of the online store, who can exchange points for products through it. 
  3. Loyalty Points or Points - points awarded to the Customer for purchases made in the store during the Loyalty Program. Loyalty points are visible in the Customer Panel and remain valid throughout the duration of the Program. 
  4. Exchange of points for products - each product available in the store has a set price in currency and a corresponding price in loyalty points. A Customer with a sufficient amount of points can exchange them for the selected product. The exchange takes place at the basket level, and there is no restriction on the maximum amount of points that a Customer can exchange for products at once. 
  5. Customer / User - an adult person making transactions with the Seller regarding the purchase of Products or Services of the Seller, not directly related to business or professional activities. 
  6. Products - products available for purchase in the store. 
  7. Program Page - the website, containing information about the Program, Regulations, and frequently asked questions (FAQ). 
  8. Store - Online Store operated by the Seller, available at the web address:


  1. The Loyalty Program is operated in the Online Store at by the Seller. 
  2. The Organizer of the Program is the owner of 
  3. The Loyalty Program allows Customers to collect Loyalty Points for purchases made and exchange points for products available in the store's offer. 
  4. The Loyalty Program is dedicated exclusively to adult Consumers. B2B Users are not eligible to participate in the program. 
  5. The Administrator of personal data processed as part of the Program is the Seller, in accordance with the rules specified in the Privacy Policy and this Regulation. 
  6. The Customer is obliged to use the Loyalty Program in accordance with its provisions, respecting the law, good manners, and the copyright and intellectual property rights of the Seller and third parties.


  1. Joining the Program 

1.1. Participation in the Loyalty Program is open to all Customers who register their account on the website, accept the store regulations and the Loyalty Program Regulations. 

1.2. Registering for the Program requires creating an Account in the Store and accepting the Online Store Regulations, the Loyalty Program Regulations, and the Privacy Policy. This is a necessary condition for User registration. 

1.3. Registering the Customer as a User occurs after creating an account on the Seller's website. 

1.4. Participation in the Program is free of charge. 

  1. Resignation from the Program 

2.1. Participants have the option to resign from the Program at any time, without the need to provide a reason, in accordance with the provisions of the store regulations point 8 paragraph 12. 

2.2. In the event of a Customer resigning from the Program, all accumulated, unused loyalty points will be deleted. There is no possibility to recover points even in the case of rejoining the Program. 

  1. Ending the Program

 The Seller reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Program at any time in accordance with the provisions of article 6 paragraph 2 of the Regulations.



  1. The Loyalty Program operates on a points-based system. 
  2. Customers earn Points for purchasing products or services in the Store by using their Account when placing an Order, as well as for adding reviews of products. 
  3. Loyalty Points for Product Purchases are awarded proportionally to the value of the order. Every spent złoty on products translates to 1 Loyalty Point, excluding shipping costs when calculating Points. 
  4. Points for adding reviews are awarded to Customers who add a review to a product while being logged into their account on store, consisting of a descriptive part and a rating from 1 to 5, with the descriptive part consisting of a minimum of 3 sentences and written with respect for social norms, without vulgar language or phrases that violate the personal rights of third parties. 
  5. Reviews that comply with §4 Art. 4 are approved by the store administrator within 7 calendar days from the date of publication. For an approved review, the customer receives 10 loyalty points. 
  6. The number of awarded Points is mathematically rounded to the nearest whole number. 
  7. Points for placed orders are assigned (activated) to the customer within 24 hours after the Seller fulfills the order (ships the package from the warehouse), with the stipulation that they will be removed if the Agreement is terminated or if the Customer withdraws from it, especially as a result of exercising the right to withdraw from the contract by the Participant. 
  8. In the case of incorrectly awarded Loyalty Points, for example, due to technical errors or non-compliance with the Regulations, Points will be deducted from the customer's balance. 
  9. All products available in the Store contribute to the awarding of Loyalty Points in proportion to their price in złoty. Information about the amount of Points awarded for the purchase of each product is available in its description or in another visible manner. 
  10. Customers receive Loyalty Points in accordance with the provisions in point 3, equivalent to the value of the paid Purchase. Points for Purchases are awarded based on the actual amount paid for the Order (after any discounts) excluding delivery costs. 
  11. Loyalty Points are recorded and accumulated on the Account. Upon logging into the Store Account, Users can check information regarding the Program, including the number of active Points.


  1. All complaints related to participation in the Program can be reported by contacting our customer service department via email at: [email protected]
  2. To submit a complaint, please provide the following information: first name, last name, User's email address, and reason for the complaint. 
  3. Complaints will be processed within 14 days from the date of receipt by the Seller. 
  4. Information about the resolution of the complaint will be communicated to the complainant by email, through a return message. 
  5. Failure to consider claims within the complaint procedure or exceeding the deadline mentioned in point 3 does not exclude the possibility of seeking claims in a general court.
  6.  The rules regarding the form and content of complaints are purely informative and serve to streamline the complaint handling process. They do not in any way limit consumer rights.


  1. The Loyalty Program shall be in force indefinitely, starting from the 9th of May 2024. 
  2. The Organizer reserves the right to decide at any time to terminate the Program, provided that: 

2.1 The Seller undertakes to inform Customers of the intention to terminate the Program with a three-month notice, via email. 

2.2 The Seller ensures Users the opportunity to collect Points until the Program's termination date and exchange their acquired points for Products in accordance with the Regulations. 

2.3 In the event of the Program's termination on its termination date, unused Points expire and cannot be used in any way.


  1. The relations arising from this regulation and any disputes related to it are governed by Polish law. The resolution of disputes belongs to the competent common court. 
  2. The regulations come into force on 09.05.2024. 
  3. The Loyalty Program is conducted in Polish and English. 
  4. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations for valid reasons. The amended Regulations apply to the Client if the conditions specified in art. 384 and 384[1] of the Civil Code are met, meaning that the Client has been properly informed of the changes [the Organizer will provide information about the changes to the User's email address] and has not opted out of participation in the Loyalty Program within 14 days of the notification date. The change in the Regulations does not affect already concluded Sales Agreements. 
  5. In matters not regulated by this Regulation, the provisions of the Civil Code and other relevant provisions of the applicable Polish law apply. 
  6. The regulations do not limit any rights of Clients who are consumers in accordance with art. 221 of the Civil Code, arising from the applicable law. In case of a conflict between the provisions of the Regulations and the laws granting rights to Consumers, the latter take precedence.

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