Franky's Bakery - Candy Flavor - 200g
A delicious, low-calorie flavoring for yoghurts, curds, milk, cakes and many more according to the original American recipes!
Flavorings are now an integral part of almost all food products, especially sweet delicacies. Many products, such as fruit and flavored yoghurts, which you consider to be healthy (because they contain fresh fruit) are healthy only seemingly. Usually, the amount of fruit is only 1 to 2% of the ingredients of the product, and the actual taste is obtained by using artificial flavors and lots of sugar.
Maybe it would be better to prepare such products in a healthier way? Unfortunately, most of the flavor aromas available on the market taste the same as the name "artificial aromas"suggests, that is, simply: artificial. Often they have little to do with the taste that can be found on the label.
As a company that devoted itself to the traditional American flavor of the good old days from 1954, we decided that something had to be done about it. For this reason, we have invested a lot of time and money to create a product that provides traditional taste without unnecessary sugar! Of course, Candy Flavor is also suitable for baking.