Main Page » Vlog » How to raise testosterone levels? Basic rules!
Wojciech Sankiewicz
Date Added: 30-12-2021

How to raise testosterone levels? Basic rules!

Testosteron to męski hormon mający wpływ na jakość każdego aspektu życia mężczyzny. Badania wskazują, że obecni nastolatkowie mają nawet o 20% niższy poziom testosteronu niż ich rówieśnicy z poprzedniego pokolenia. Po przekroczeniu trzydziestki sytuacja ulega z reguły pogorszeniu nawet o 2% rocznie. Warto zatem zadbać o poziom testosteronu. Jak? Nasz ekspert podpowiada na jakie czynniki należy zwrócić uwagę, aby zoptymalizować w naturalny sposób poziom tego hormonu. 

Testosterone is a male hormone that affects the quality of every aspect of a man's life. Studies show that today's teenagers have up to 20% lower testosterone levels than their peers from the previous generation. After the age of thirty, the situation usually worsens by up to 2% per year. It is therefore worth taking care of your testosterone levels. How? Our expert suggests what factors to pay attention to in order to optimize the level of this hormone naturally.


Transcription of the recording

Do you feel like you're wasting your potential in the place where you are?

Do you feel like you could be doing great things, but daily life is overwhelming you?

Would you like to want things as much as you don't want them right now?

One of the reasons you might be sabotaging yourself and not doing what you want could be low testosterone levels. It is believed that contemporary men have significantly lower testosterone levels compared to their counterparts from previous generations. The difference can be as much as 20%. In simple terms, this means that your dad, when he was your age, was definitely more masculine than you are.

Testosterone is a hormone that affects the quality of every aspect of a man's life.

It's said that testosterone is a bit like money. While it doesn’t directly bring happiness, everyone knows that having more of it generally leads to a better life. The list of benefits resulting from high testosterone levels is enormous, so I will mention just a few fundamental aspects that testosterone influences. Firstly, high testosterone levels affect confidence, the amount of life energy, muscle strength and size, brain function, heart condition, body hair, sperm quality, sexual desire, a sense of agency, and much more.

Unfortunately, not only do contemporary men in their 20s have significantly lower testosterone levels than their predecessors, but after the age of 30, testosterone levels drop by an average of 2% each year in every man, which could mean that by the age of 40, we could be in a very bad state. Fortunately, there are many ways to "cheat" the world despite the pervasive efforts to make contemporary men less masculine. We can optimize our testosterone production in a simple way—and I'm talking exclusively about natural methods.

So today I will present to you 5 basic factors that you need to pay attention to in order to start your journey towards optimizing testosterone levels naturally.

  1. So, starting off—first and foremost, lose weight. Overweight men have significantly lower testosterone levels than the rest. Obesity creates a vicious cycle, as obesity itself leads to lower testosterone levels, and lower testosterone levels increase the risk of obesity. Therefore, you need to take a definite step to overcome obesity.
  2. Train! Whatever it is, however it can be done. Any form of exercise will positively affect your testosterone levels. Unless you start training professionally, the situation may be a bit different, but let's not delve into that. It is believed that just 4 hours of training per week can significantly impact testosterone production in your body. I suggest you train anything, in any way, but it's worth noting that strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) will yield the best results.
  3. Stop eating junk food, completely eliminate processed food. Your diet should resemble the Mediterranean diet as closely as possible. That's how it is; you can easily find plenty of information online. From my side, I’d like to add that you shouldn’t be afraid of saturated fats or cholesterol; in fact, testosterone is produced from cholesterol. However, you should completely avoid trans fats.
  4. Start sleeping; sleep is essential for reducing cortisol levels in your body. Cortisol, the stress hormone, limits testosterone production. It is believed that each additional hour of sleep can increase your testosterone levels by 10-12%. Eight hours of effective sleep should be part of your daily routine. I will talk more about sleep, its effects, its role, and how to optimize it in a separate video that I will record in the future, and I warmly invite you to that now.
  5. Start supplementing with vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 directly stimulates testicular tissue to produce testosterone.

Therefore, a deficiency in vitamin D3 can lead to a deficiency in testosterone. However, this does not mean that the more vitamin D3 you supplement, the higher your testosterone levels will be. The most important thing is to eliminate the deficiency of vitamin D3. So again, here’s the fundamental question that everyone asks every time: How much vitamin D3 should we supplement? At the moment, I can only tell you to set aside Polish standards recommending 2000-4000 units and look at the standards in Germany or Austria, which make much more sense.

These were the 5 basic factors you need to focus on first. The process of optimizing testosterone is complex. There are many strategies that can greatly enhance it, but until you grasp these five aspects, there's no point in tackling the rest.

2022 will be the year in which I focus primarily on men's health. Therefore, I will thoroughly delve into the topic of testosterone. So, if you're interested in this subject, I encourage you to follow me on all social media platforms—on all Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels. There will be plenty of information about testosterone and generally about men's health. But I would also like to emphasize that it does not mean that these will only be materials for men. Women will also benefit greatly from this.

At this moment, I would like to thank you for watching this video. See you in the new year.

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Wojciech Sankiewicz
I am involved in optimizing health and quality of life, guided by the philosophy of biohacking. I help implement a healthy diet, optimize sleep, regeneration, and spontaneous physical activity, as well as plan sensible supplementation. In my work, I combine knowledge from a wide range of fields. My expertise lies in programming such actions so that 20% of effort results in 80% of effects...
I am involved in optimizing health and quality of life, guided by the philosophy of biohacking. I help implement a healthy diet, optimize sleep, regeneration, and spontaneous physical activity, as well as plan sensible supplementation. In my work, I combine knowledge from a wide range of fields. My expertise lies in programming such actions so that 20% of effort results in 80% of effects...
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