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Karolina Rybarska

Dietician Karolina Rybarska, MSc

Dietetyk mgr Karolina Rybarska

Specialization: dental dietetics, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, thyroid hypofunction, Hashimoto's, PCOS

About me: I am a dietitian with a holistic approach to diet. I do not adhere to strict rules. In my work, I follow the idea that a proper diet is the foundation for a healthy life. Diet therapy is not an exact science where everything is black and white. What may be a remedy for one person, may be poison for another, which is why I approach my patients in a holistic way.

Everyone has their own individual reasons and goals for making changes. I try to understand the expectations and needs of my patients. My patients receive personalized recommendations to learn how to eat properly. I also emphasize that changing eating habits is a systematic and long-term process. It is not worth giving up everything unhealthy overnight, because I guarantee that everyone will quickly become discouraged. Gradual and systematic work is the key to success.

I help find the cause of the problem and its solution. I support in the process of dietary changes. I inspire and provide knowledge - everything you need to feel like you are in control of your health and well-being again!

One of my special interests is supporting patients nutritionally and supplementally during all dental procedures and preventing diseases resulting from poor oral health, because health starts right in our oral cavity!


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