24,96 €
Once again, we decided to respond to the needs of our clients (raising the bar for ourselves and the supplementing market) and bring to the market, a truly innovative product composed to minimize the muscle damage progressing after the training and quickly and effectively stimulate their regeneration.
Based on the latest scientific data in the field of physiology, biochemistry of metabolic processes and supplementation, as well as the deep knowledge of our scientists and many years of experience in this matter, it can be stated that it is not the quantity, but the appropriately selected ingredients that determine the quality of the product and its effectiveness.
What do you offer exactly? Here's the answer:
At Glutamine Xplode, we focused on the absolute synergy of action.
All ingredients - L-glutamine and active ingredients of the VIT-A-MIN SuperCharge formula complement each other, intensifying the effect that they have on the metabolism of the athlete's body. All this so that your effort will bring the fastest and most lasting results.
Therefore, you get L-glutamine and L-leucine in optimal doses - two of the strongest anti-catabolics, with a very strong, indirect influence on protein anabolism - they must be completely supplemented after the training.
But it is not everything
L-cysteine, selenium, with the help of vitamin C in its innovative, super-advanced form (PureWay-C®), will provide you with high-quality glutathione synthesis, and the vitamin complex - vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, niacin even more intensify post-workout protein synthesis.
VIT-A-MIN SuperCharge = VIT-Amines + A-MINI% + MINERALS
Why is L-glutamine supplementation so important for the development of your muscles?
Protein is the basic component of musculature. The strength and mass of our muscles depends on the amount of proteins stored in them.
Nitrogen is an element characteristic for a protein that does not exist - neither in fats nor in carbohydrates. The amount of protein accumulated in the muscles is measured by the amount of nitrogen retained in the body, what we call the nitrogen balance. The higher the nitrogen balance - the "bigger and stronger muscles".
Glutamine is a basic nitrogen storage and transporter. Glutamine provides nitrogen to muscles, where it is incorporated into amino acids and proteins, which stimulates anabolic processes.
When other organs or tissues need nitrogen, they derive it from muscle tissue. Muscle proteins then break down, what we call catabolism, and their nitrogen is transferred to glutamine, which transports this element to other tissues. If, however, in a similar situation, the body has an adequate supply of ready glutamine - this brings nitrogen to the tissues and does not lead to the catabolism of muscle proteins.
Consuming ready glutamine, eg in the form of a sports nutrient, leads to the creation of a high value of the nitrogen balance, ie the state of the internal environment of the body, which promotes anabolic processes - and at the same time - inhibits catabolic processes.
Human studies have demonstrated high efficacy of glutamine in improving the nitrogen (protein) management of the body. However, research on athletes has shown that its positive impact on the nitrogen economy translates into the development of physical agility - to a slightly lesser degree than expected.
Due to its unique role in the nitrogen economy, glutamine is involved in a huge number of metabolic pathways associated with anabolic and catabolic processes. However, it always remains only one element of every trail. It is the lack of other elements that may limit the effectiveness of glutamine to the increase in physical fitness of athletes, despite the proven effectiveness in improving protein management.
And here comes the help of science and specialists from Olimp Labs
GLUTAMINE XPLODE with the formula VIT-A-MIN SUPERCHARGE - innovative and comprehensive recharge for L-glutamine
Glutamine and vitamin B6.
A significant part of the glutamine consumed does not leave the digestive tract, but is "stopped" by the intestinal cells and probiotic bacteria of our flora. Although this phenomenon, recently widely studied and discussed, is extremely useful for normal digestive tract function, it also impairs a pool of metabolically active glutamine. Vitamin B6, which participates in the transport of amino acids through intestinal cells, helps to increase the intake of glutamine from the gastrointestinal tract.
Vitamin B6 also catalyzes the process of transferring nitrogen through glutamine to anabolic mechanisms that run in muscle cells.
It also catalyzes the transformation of glutamine in the brain, leading to the formation of neuroactive amino acids, which have a positive effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Under the influence of these interactions, the pituitary secretes such a set of superior hormones (tropics), which creates in the body a hormonal environment, beneficial for the development of muscles - a lot of anabolic somatotropin and testosterone, little catabolic cortisol.
Glutamine and folic acid, vitamin B12 and niacin.
Glutamine - along with folic acid, vitamin B12 and niacin - shares in anabolic muscle processes, nucleotide and nucleic acid synthesis, nuclear receptor binding to anabolic hormones and anabolism and gene co-ordinators, providing the necessary conditions for efficient cell division, as well as also at the stage of amino acid binding to protein molecules. synthesis of some amino acids and regulation of the formation and maturation of red blood cells.
Folic acid is also an essential element of the growth and development of the body and is necessary together with vitamins B6 and B12 for the proper use of cysteine. In addition, B vitamins play an important role in getting rid of the homocysteine - a side product of cysteine metabolism.
Glutamine and leucine.
Glutamine, together with leucine, controls the signaling pathways of strong anabolic hormones such as insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF) or mechanical growth factor (MGF). The common influence of both amino acids on the enzymes of these pathways favors the establishment of optimal proportions between the catabolic and anabolic processes that take place in muscle cells. This level of leucine and glutamine in the blood provides information for the organism with the degree of breakdown of muscle tissue and is a direct signal to trigger all anti-catabolic mechanisms in the body and enhance the protein synthesis.
Glutamine and cysteine and glutathione.
Cysteine is delivered in the form of cystine, i.e. two cysteine molecules connected together, which remains completely insensitive to gastrointestinal digestive enzymes (trypsin and pepsin) and reaches the body's cells in unchanged form, where under the influence of one of the enzymes its reduction leads to release two molecules of cysteine.
Glutamine together with cysteine is involved in the production of glutathione-tripeptide, which is the most important non-enzymatic antioxidant that the body has. Research has proven that - both glutamine and cysteine supplementation - stimulates glutathione synthesis and leads to increased levels of glutathione in the body.
Glutathione is an extremely important metabolically active compound that participates in key life processes. Glutation controls anabolic processes at the stage of creating the spatial structure of proteins, where sulfur atoms bind to each other - by twisting the amino acid chains, respectively. Such a twist determines eg the shrinkage of muscle fibers. Glutation is also constantly penetrating these protein structures, thanks to which the number of sulfur connections remains constant, while each protein retains its structure and functionality - e.g. shrinkage. Recently, it has been observed that muscle proteins must constantly remain in a certain proportion to glutathione, and testosterone stimulates protein anabolism as much as glutathione permits.
Due to its unique properties, in states of exhaustion, it stabilizes the membranes of lysosomes and inhibits the uncontrolled release of catabolic enzymes, responsible for the breakdown of proteins or nucleic acids.
Glutathione also works anabolically, more directly, activating certain transcription factors - stimulating genes to start protein synthesis. It also takes a direct part in the transfer of amino acids in the gamma glutamyl cycle, thus allowing protein synthesis, creating a positive nitrogen balance.
Glutation effectively reduces the level of cortisol and lactic acid, and also increases the level of muscle glycogen, thanks to which it affects the much faster muscle regeneration, very efficiently and effectively preparing us for the next exhaustive training.
Glutation and selenium.
Selenium, in combination with cysteine, forms the active center of glutathione peroxidase - an enzyme that renews glutathione and maintains a high level of its metabolic activity. As demonstrated by research - selenium supplementation raises the level and increases the activity of glutathione peroxidase.
Glutathione and vitamin C.
Research has proven that vitamin C (PureWay-C®) stimulates production and increases the level of glutathione in the body. In addition, together with glutathione, it activates the appropriate transcription factors - stimulating the genes to start protein synthesis. Vitamin C, just like selenium, provides additional antioxidant resources, protecting muscle proteins from damage during the post-workout period, when the most important process should be regeneration and nothing should disturb it.
GLUTAMINE XPLODE is an innovative challenge thrown into the metabolism of your body - it's a pharmaceutically pure form of free L-glutamine, combined with the ultra-modern formula Vit-A-MIN SuperCharge containing metabolically active compounds, from the anabolic pathways and anti-catabolic activity of L-glutamine !!!
So if you were thinking about a truly comprehensive anti-catabolic preparation with strongly marked anabolic properties, Glutamine Xplode with the ultra-modern formula VIT-A-MIN SuperCharge is just for you!
Glutamine - synergism with selected active ingredients in anabolic protein processes
Olimp is a well-known and valued brand in the nutrients and supplements industry. Hailing from the renowned Dębica region in Podkarpacie, Olimp was founded in 1990 and has since been recognized for its innovative solutions and dedication to product quality. Notably, their Mega Caps have become a testament to their commitment, as these large-sized capsules contain essential vitamins and minerals tailored for active individuals.
The Polish manufacturer's product range is comprehensive, including a wide array of nutrients, health-promoting products, functional foods, functional drinks, and even accessories and training clothing. Olimp's reputation for excellence has led to fruitful collaborations, including a long-standing partnership with Mariusz Pudzianowski, a renowned strongman and mixed martial artist.
With a legacy of trust and efficacy, Olimp remains a preferred brand for health-conscious individuals seeking reliable and effective supplements. Discover the vast selection of Olimp's offerings and embark on a journey towards enhanced well-being and peak performance.
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