Thorne Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) is NSF Certified for Sport®. Most people are aware that vitamin C promotes healthy immune function. But vitamin C also has several additional mechanisms of action. For example, it is an essential nutrient to promote wound healing and support injury repair. Vitamin C also plays a role in liver detoxification and helps protect against the toxic effects of heavy metals such as lead, aluminum and cadmium. Thorne ascorbic acid contains only crystalline vitamin C - without the addition of corn starch, magnesium stearate or other lubricants and diluents - to ensure optimal absorption and effectiveness.
The combined positive effect of vitamin C on collagen synthesis, antioxidant status and immune function makes it an important nutrient for patients after surgery and supporting wound healing. Vitamin C is necessary for the proper functioning of the enzymes involved in liver detoxification in phase I. In addition, as an antioxidant, vitamin C helps cool free radicals that are formed during the first phase of detoxification of harmful substances in the liver. In addition, vitamin C helps increase the levels of the important antioxidant glutathione by increasing the rate of glutathione synthesis, which increases detoxification in phase II of the liver.
Because the athlete must know that his supplements are trustworthy and compliant, each batch of NSF-certified product for sport® is tested for compliance with label declarations and to ensure the absence of over 200 substances banned by many large sports organizations, including stimulants , drugs, steroids, diuretics, beta-2 agonists and masking agents.