Main Page » Supplement Ranking » Vitamin D3
Patryk Chodyniecki
Patryk Chodyniecki
Date Added: 25-11-2019

Vitamin D3

Witamina D3 to niezbędny element, konieczny do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu. Powszechnie uważa się, że jest to witamina słoneczna, gdyż wytwarzana jest w naszej skórze dzięki promieniom UV. Polski klimat nie gwarantuje słonecznej pogody przez cały rok, zatem wiele osób cierpi na niedobór Witaminy D3. Z tego powodu warto zadbać o właściwą dietę i suplementację, która pomoże nam zapewnić optymalny stan Witaminy D3 w naszym organizmie. Brak odpowiedniej ilości Witaminy D3 powoduje, że odporność jest osłabiona, a mięśnie niewydolne. Jej suplementacja wpływa na poprawę jakości zębów, kości oraz układu nerwowego.

  • Vitamin D3 is important for the proper functioning of the body.
  • It can be found in fish and cod liver oil, but most of it is produced under the influence of sunlight.
  • Vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to problems with bones and the immune system.
  • Vitamin D3 supplementation is recommended especially for people living in countries with little sunlight and lack of sufficient fish and cod liver oil in the diet.
  • It is worth regularly checking the level of vitamin D3 in the blood and adjusting the supplementation dose to the individual needs of the body.
  • Vitamin D3 is an essential element necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It is commonly believed that it is a solar vitamin because it is produced in our skin thanks to UV rays. The Polish climate does not guarantee sunny weather all year round, so many people suffer from Vitamin D3 deficiency. For this reason, it is worth ensuring proper diet and supplementation, which will help us ensure the optimal state of Vitamin D3 in our body. The lack of an adequate amount of Vitamin D3 causes weakened immunity and ineffective muscles. Its supplementation improves the quality of teeth, bones and the nervous system.




Vitamin D3 can be successfully used in culinary products . To ensure its proper concentration, it is worth enriching a healthy diet with appropriate supplements.


  • Pisces - they are currently one of the best sources of Vitamin D3, especially if we are talking about sea fish. Examples include mackerel, cod, salmon and eel.

A large amount of fish eaten every day, combined with an appropriate dose of sunlight, vitamin D supplementation will not be necessary. However, in the long run, such a diet turns out to be burdensome and monotonous. Moreover, we are never sure about the weather that will provide us with a sufficient amount of vitamin D3. For this reason, it is worth purchasing a supplement.

  • Caviar- an expensive product, but it is able to replenish our Vitamin D3 deficiency and also enrich the body with magnesium, iodine, zinc and phosphorus.
  • Eggs - we distinguish white and yolk. The egg white contains many vitamins and minerals, while the yolk is a good source of Vitamin D3.
  • Sardines - one can of sardines provides approximately 40% of the daily requirement for Vitamin D3. Additionally, they are a rich source of vitamin B12.
  • Mushrooms - very often contain high levels of vitamin D3. The most common and highest dose of Vitamin D3 is found in mushrooms and morels. Currently, mushrooms are available in almost every store, while morels are unique.




Vitamin D3 has many beneficial properties on our body. They start with bone building and end with cancer prevention. It is extremely important in terms of mineralization and development of the entire skeletal system. Moreover, it acts as a regulator for the calcium and phosphorus metabolism by correcting the incorrect calcium to phosphorus ratio. For this reason, Vitamin D3 is recommended for young children who most need proper development and strengthening of the skeletal system. Vitamin D3 has a positive effect on the circulatory system and the heart muscle.




The best vitamin D3 is synthesized by human skin. More precisely, our body synthesizes cholecalciferol (Vitamin D) from the provitamin present in the skin under the influence of UV rays. Currently, such synthesis provides approximately 80% of the requirement for vitamin D3 for an adult. According to research and standards, healthy people aged 1 to 65 should be in the sun for at least 15 minutes a day and between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

The most important thing about this accident there are two things:

  • should be exposed to the sun forearms and legs to produce the appropriate dose of vitamin
  • cannot be used in this case protective cream. If we expose the entire body to the minimum dose that creates the erythematous threshold, our body will treat the amount of vitamin D3 at a level of 10,000-20,000 IU of vitamin D3.


The erythema threshold is defined as the minimum dose of UV radiation that causes erythema on the skin 24 hours after sunbathing.


This threshold is an individual feature of every person and depends on:

  • pigmentation,
  • skin type,
  • tanning intensity.


The optimal dose of Vitamin D3 is UV radiation, which is necessary to increase the concentration of Vitamin D3 in the serum, assuming 1000 IU. such a vitamin by oral administration.

We can distinguish the following erythematous thresholds depending on the skin type:








5.5 min.

  • often BURNED,



7 min.



8.25 min.




12.5 min.




16.75 min.




27.75 min.

Depending on the type of skin, we should expose our hands, face to the sun , forearms from 5 to 25 minutes

  • If you have fair or light pink, 5 minutes of tanning is enough.

  • If you have darker skin - then you need about 25 minutes of tanning.




Vitamin D3 occurs in products that we consume every day. Their combination with appropriate exposure to the sun will ensure that our body is provided with a 100% sufficient dose of this substance. Unfortunately, this state of affairs is extremely difficult to achieve regardless of the products we use. The reason for this is that we do not like a monotonous diet, and our work pattern and weather are not conducive to tanning all year round. For this reason, it is worth enriching the following products with an appropriate supplement.




  • Kurka


  • Fresh mackerel


  • Fresh halibut


  • Soft margarine 80% fat


  • Egg yolk


  • Fresh cultivated mushroom


  • Dust egg, whole


  • Pork liver


  • Extra butter


  • Calf liver


  • Full fat Emmental cheese


  • Boletus


  • Fresh sardine


  • Fresh salmon


  • Baltic Sprat


  • Smoked sprat


  • Follow fresh


  • Smoked herring


  • Fresh eel


  • Smoked eel





Deficiencies occur in many people with due to lack of sufficient sunlight and lack of proper diet.

Deficiency symptoms may be as follows:

  1. Muscle weakness – most often we learn about them while exercising at the gym. If the number of repetitions with the same load has been decreasing for a long time, it is a sign that our muscles are not fully functional.
  2. Bad mood – Vitamin D3 deficiency is associated with depression and bad mood. For this reason, it is considered that in the case of seasons with less sunlight, such as autumn/winter we feel blue.
  3. Increased risk of fractures - Vitamin D ensures a strong and healthy skeletal system. Its deficiency exposes us to a greater risk of fractures.
  4. Greater sensitivity to pain.
  5. Nerves and stress - Vitamin D deficiency affects the level of serotonin in the brain. Its deficiencies make us more vulnerable to stress and increased blood pressure. Vitamin D3 strengthens the heart muscle and circulatory system, so its lack has a negative impact on this state of affairs.





It is currently not possible overdose of vitamin D3 through exclusive diet and body exposure to the sun. The human body itself regulates the natural concentration of Vitamin D3 through melanin. It is a skin pigment that is responsible for the complexion. Therefore, in terms of Vitamin D3 produced, sunbathing is safe. The situation is different in the case of supplementation with this substance. Therefore, it should be administered according to the recommendations of your doctor or pharmacist.


If our body is hypersensitive to vitamin D3 or we take too large doses, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • increased thirst,

  • nerf,

  • vomiting,

  • increased urination,

  • excessive sweating,

  • diarrhea,

  • nausea,

  • lack of appetite,

  • growth slowdown,

  • headache, eye pain and others .



Overdose of vitamin D3 causes more calcium to be deposited in the organs and blood vessels. This behavior of the body has a significant impact on our safety. In extreme cases, liver and spleen enlargement may occur, as well as hypertension and kidney failure. An overdose usually involves taking a dose of 100,000 UI, with the standard amount for an adult being 8,000 UI / day.





Vitamin D3 has contraindications, like every dietary supplement and drug. It is not recommended to use this supplement if our body is hypersensitive or allergic to any of the substances. You should not take Vitamin D3 if you suffer from calcium kidney stones or kidney failure. Another contraindication is the lack of cholecalciferol hydroxylase in the liver and kidneys. Vitamin D3 reacts strongly with magnesium, antiepileptic drugs, thiazides, rifampicin and liquid paraffin. For this reason, this type of connection is not recommended.




The healthiest way to take Vitamin D3 is to produce it from sunlight and a properly balanced diet. This form makes it extremely difficult to overdose on this supplement. However, some diseases require that this substance be taken with other medications. An example of such use is the treatment of rickets in children. Side effects are the most common among patients who have taken too high a dose of vitamin D3 for a long time. Otherwise, its side effects are rare. For this reason, the supplement should be taken in specific, tested and recommended doses.




It is very important for pregnant women to ensure the appropriate level of Vitamin D3 in their bodies. The threat in this case may concern both deficiency and excess of this substance.

Vitamin D affects the body of the child in the mother's womb. This substance guarantees the appropriate amount of calcium necessary for the development of the child's skeletal system. The beneficial effect of Vitamin D on a child is not limited to the skeletal system, but also to strengthening the muscular system and immune system .

Women who are pregnant and suffer from a deficiency of Vitamin D3 expose their child to brain disorders, while an excess of Vitamin D3 may lead to bone deformations of the baby. For this reason, pregnant women should take Vitamin D3 no later than the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy and systematically monitor its level.

Every pregnant woman should determine the appropriate dose of Vitamin D3 during a visit with her doctor. According to research, the appropriate amounts are as follows: 1500-2000 IU/day.




Vitamin D3 deficiency in infants leads to a flat head at the back. This is due to the softening of the skull bones. In addition, convex frontal tubercles are formed. The deficit of this substance delays the process of the fontanelle growing over. Vitamin D3 deficiency may lead to rickets of the ribs and weakness of the abdominal muscles, which may cause the infant to have the so-called “frog belly”.

At the moment Currently, providing a child with Vitamin D3 is a more difficult option than administering this substance to an adult. Children should avoid long-term exposure to UV rays and eat a limited amount of products. For this reason, the best form is vitamin D3 supplementation. An appropriate specialist will examine our baby and determine the appropriate amount of substances that will ensure its proper and safe development.

The acceptable daily doses of Vitamin D for children are as follows:

a) newborns and infants: 1000 IU/day
b) children aged 1-10 years, 2000 IU/day
c) children and adolescents aged 11-18: 4,000 IU/day




I. Nordic Naturals Baby's Vitamin D3 (Vitamin D3 for Babies) 400IU - 11ml


Description: IDEAL FORM OF VITAMIN D3 FOR BABIES - Does your child need Vitamin D to absorb calcium and build strong bones? Since sun exposure is not recommended for infants, a good solution to supplement Vitamin D3 will be drops that will provide a sufficient amount of this important nutrient.

MANY BENEFITS - Vitamin D3 is responsible for the health of the skeletal system because it has the ability to increase the absorption of calcium, which is a mineral responsible for building the skeletal system. However, that's not all, Vitamin D also affects dental health and strengthens the body's immunity.

EASY DOSAGE - Vitamin D3 for Babies by Nordic Naturals is the official Vitamin D of the American Pregnancy Association. Use the included dropper to add a single drop to breast milk or formula, or as directed by your pediatrician.


II. PiLeJe Enfant Gouttes (Probiotics for Children with Vitamin D3) - Drops 30ml


Description:Lactibiane for children with vitamin D3 in drops improves the function of the digestive tract, supports the child's immune system, and also has a beneficial effect on the proper bone growth and development.

Recommended for supplementation in:

  • gastrointestinal disorders (constipation, colic, diarrhea, including those associated with antibiotic therapy, gastrointestinal infections)

  • recurrent infections,

  • allergic and atopic problems.

III. ChildLife Liquid Vitamin D3 (Vitamin D3 in Drops) 29.6ml Natural Berry Flavor


Immune health. Appropriate doses of vitamin D can support a child's immune system and help it function healthily.
Healthy bones. Vitamin D, along with a healthy diet and exercise, can help the natural production of cells in healthy joints and is a key nutrient in helping your child maintain proper bone health. The active form of vitamin D, D3, can help the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are built into bones and can help keep them strong and dense.




We decided to create a table that shows approximate daily requirement of Vitamin D3 depending on human age.


The doses look like as follows:


  1. 0-6 months - 400 IU/day

  2. 6-12 months of age - 400-600 IU/day

  3. 1-10 years old - 600-1000 IU/day

  4. 11-18 years old - 800-2000 IU/day

  5. >18 years old - 2000 IU/day

  6. pregnant women - 2000j. m/day




I. THORNE Vitamin D3 (Vitamin D3) 1000IU - 30ml


Description:Thorne Research is an American brand of dietary supplements and sports nutrition. The company's philosophy is not only to support athletes, but above all to take care of the condition of our body and the efficiency of its operation. Thorne Research offers supplements that support, regulate and restore balance to our organs. The offer includes several well-known supplements, such as creatine, protein supplements in the form of powders and amino acid complexes. However, a significant part of Thorne Research's products are complexes diversified in terms of composition and action, designed to support immunity or restore balance in individual systems of the human body. Thorne dietary supplements will ensure that our body does not lack the necessary vitamins and minerals. , when we are exposed to their deficiencies.


II. LIFE EXTENSION Vitamin D3 1,000 IU (Vitamin D3) 250 gel capsules


Description:Make sure you get enough of this essential nutrient. Add vitamin D3 to your day today.

  • Provides 1000 IU of vitamin D3

  • Helps maintain healthy cognitive function

  • Supports bone health and systemic function immune

  • Promotes cardiovascular and endothelial health

  • Helps keep blood pressure within normal range scope

Life Extension is a company that focuses on quality, purity and potential. They source only the best raw materials for their products. Life Extension has been helping people stay healthy and live better for over 35 years. Their belief in a scientific approach to better nutrition has always been the cornerstone of their company.

NOW FOODS Vitamin D-3 & K-2 Liposomal Spray (Vitamin D3 K2 Liposomal Spray) 59ml


It combines two nutrients that have been extensively researched for their effects on bone, dental and cardiovascular health. Vitamin D3 supports the transport and absorption of calcium. Recent research indicates that vitamin D3 may play a role in the proper functioning of insulin and glucose metabolism and plays an important role in the immune system. Vitamin K is crucial for the formation of a healthy, strong bone matrix. The role of vitamin K in arterial health depends on its ability to support normal calcium metabolism in vascular structures. Vitamin K2 is the active and biologically available form of vitamin K.


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Ciborowska H, Rudnicka A (2009). Dietetics. Nutrition of healthy and sick people.Warsaw, Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL
Lagunova Z (2011). Vitamin D Status: UV-exposure, obesity and cancer. Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo No. 1223
Interna Szczeklika 2016,ed. Piotr Gajewski, electronic version, accessed 2016-10-07.
Institute of Medicine,Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intakes: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Fluoride.National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1999.

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Patryk Chodyniecki
Patryk Chodyniecki
A passionate bodybuilding, swimming, and martial arts enthusiast. He has been practicing strength sports for over 10 years, alternating between boxing, MMA, and swimming, which he enjoys combining. He is also interested in the broad field of supplementation and nutrition, which he gradually implements into his training.
A passionate bodybuilding, swimming, and martial arts enthusiast. He has been practicing strength sports for over 10 years, alternating between boxing, MMA, and swimming, which he enjoys combining. He is also interested in the broad field of supplementation and nutrition, which he gradually implements into his training.
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