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Strength Training Date Added: 02-08-2023

Biceps exercises

Do you want to strengthen your arms and build impressive biceps muscles? You are certainly not alone in this, as the biceps are one of the most popular muscles among fitness enthusiasts. Why? Because well-developed biceps allow you to perform many daily activities better and also look attractive. In this article, we will introduce you to the most effective exercises for the biceps with dumbbells, pull-ups and barbells, as well as tips on how to perform them.


Biceps - basic information

The biceps consists of two heads, located at the shoulder and elbow joints. It is one of the most important muscles in our body and has many important functions. The biceps is involved in forearm movement and attaches to the radius bone. It enables us to lift the forearm, straighten the arm and twist the wrist. The biceps is also an important muscle when working to strengthen the entire arm and improve its appearance.


The best exercises for the biceps

Biceps exercises are essential for anyone who wants to achieve impressive and strong arms. However, it is worth remembering that not all exercises are equally effective. Below we look at the most effective and discuss the benefits of doing them regularly.

The best exercises for the biceps - forearm bending with a barbell

Arm bending with a barbell is one of the basic exercises for the biceps. It involves lifting the barbell from a developed position to a muscular contraction position. Arm bending with a barbell works directly on the biceps muscle of the arm, which is one of the most important muscles of the biceps. For best results, care should be taken to ensure correct technique in performing the exercise and that the correct load is selected. Shoulder bending with a barbell can be performed in different variations - standing, sitting, supported by a bench or supported by another object. This allows you to adapt the exercise to your individual needs.

Forearm bending with dumbbells

Another effective exercise for the biceps is the flexion of the forearms with dumbbells. This exercise involves lifting the dumbbells from a developed position to a muscular contraction position. The forearm bend with dumbbells works directly on the biceps muscle of the arm, but also on the muscles of the forearms. It is a good idea to perform forearm bending with dumbbells in different variations. The exercise can be performed both standing and seated, which gives you more opportunities to adapt the exercise to your needs, and this does not matter in terms of correct technique. Any method that is performed accurately will be correct for our muscles.

Biceps exercises at home

You don't have to spend a fortune on equipment to keep your biceps in shape. Dumbbells or water bottles in particular will be useful here, but you can also use a barbell. If you don't have dumbbells or water bottles, you can use other heavy objects around the house. It is important to use them safely. When exercising at home, it is a good idea to focus primarily on training series, repeating each exercise several times with rest for recovery. It is also a good idea to perform different variations of exercises to engage as many muscles as possible.


How do you exercise your biceps at home?

Arm bending with dumbbells or water bottles is a basic exercise for the biceps that can be performed at home. This way of exercising the biceps will also allow you to engage other muscle groups. It is also a good idea to perform arm flexions on a prayer bar. This is a simple but very effective exercise that can be done at home without any special equipment. All you need to do is stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and then raise your arms to chest height. Your palms should be facing each other and your fingers intertwined in a prayer pose. Next, place a prayer bar under the shoulders and lower the weight down and then lift. The prayer bar leads to isolation of our muscles and helps to pump the arms more effectively. It is believed that the prayer bar exercise is one of the best isometric exercises for the biceps muscles.

Arm bending with a barbell - variations

The arm bend with a barbell is one of the most popular biceps exercises, often performed at the gym. It consists of bending the arms at the elbow with a weight in the form of a barbell held in the hands. When performing this exercise, the biceps muscle of the arm is heavily engaged, which contributes to its strengthening and increased volume.

Shoulder bending with a barbell can be performed in several ways, including:
  • arm bending with a barbell in front of you,
  • arm bending with a barbell under hold,
  • arm bending with barbell underhang with narrow grip,
  • arm bending with barbells under a wide grip.
All of the indicated exercises allow direct involvement of the biceps muscle, which makes them very effective in strengthening and developing it.

How do I perform an arm bend with a barbell?

  • Standing with a straight back, grasp the barbell in the handles - your hands should be shoulder width apart.
  • Inhale and lift the barbell towards your chest, bending your arms at the elbow joint.
  • Pause the movement for a moment and then slowly lower the barbell to the starting position, exhaling.
  • Repeat the movement for a set number of repetitions.
  • Try not to drop the barbell all the way down and maintain tension.
  • Arm bending with a barbell can also be performed indirectly by performing other exercises such as rowing, barbell abdominal pull-ups or pull-ups on a bar, which also engage the biceps arm muscle.

How do I perform a forearm bend with dumbbells?

Forearm bends with dumbbells are also an effective exercise for the biceps. The exercise should be performed as follows:
  • Stand straight, holding the dumbbells in both hands, with your arms positioned alongside your body.
  • Lift the dumbbells, bending your forearms at the elbows.
  • Then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
  • Forearm bends with dumbbells can be performed in a variety of ways - sitting on a bench with a positive incline, or standing or twisting your arms. Without a doubt, this is a simple exercise that can be performed both at home and in the gym.

How do you exercise your biceps on a prayer bar?

A great isometric exercise for the biceps muscles is the arm flexion on the prayer bar. To perform this exercise, stand up straight and rest your arms on a surface in order to isolate them. It is important that the biceps are then fully isolated. There is virtually no possibility of performing a cheating movement. When you put your shoulders on the prayer bar - lift the barbell up. Hold the tension for about 5 seconds and then relax the muscles. Repeat the exercise 8 times. Do 4 series. When it comes to training on the prayer bar, there is probably no exercise that is currently more isolated to a particular muscle group. Moreover, this exercise can be performed in almost any conditions, as it does not require any expensive equipment or special space. However, it is worth remembering that, like any isometric exercise, it requires patience and regularity in training.

Biceps exercises on a lift

Biceps exercises on a lift are a good way to strengthen the arm muscles. They require the use of specialised equipment, but give you the opportunity to focus on your muscles more thoroughly.

How do you exercise your biceps in a lift gym?

The exercise for the biceps in the gym on the lift is to flex the arms while working with the machine. In this case, the biceps muscles are focused on bending the arms at the elbow joint, with the lift providing control of the movement and providing specific resistance. It is best to start with a lighter load and gradually increase the weight to avoid injury. Remember to always perform each flexion well and control the movements.

Exercises for biceps at home on the pull-ups

Exercising for biceps at home on a lift requires the use of special equipment. However, there are machines available that allow you to perform it at home. They can be easily mounted on a door or wall. As with lift exercises at the gym, it is important to start with a lighter load and gradually increase the weight. However, the gym is a place that certainly offers a greater range of equipment, including a variety of grips and weights to help maximise your biceps workout.


Biceps exercises on an incline bench

Biceps exercises performed on an incline bench are some of the most effective. With this exercise you will strengthen not only the biceps muscle of the arm, but also the radius muscle.

Arm bending with dumbbells on an incline bench

One of the best exercises for the biceps performed on an incline bench is the arm bend with dumbbells. This exercise allows you to isolate your biceps muscles and strengthen their strength and volume. To perform an arm bend with dumbbells on an incline bench, lie down on an incline bench, taking the dumbbells in your hands. Leaning your back against the bench, lift the dumbbells to chest level, twisting your wrists towards your body. Slowly lower the dumbbells and then raise them again, performing a full range of motion. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times for each series. Do 4 series of this exercise.

How often should I do biceps exercises with weights?

Biceps exercises will give you strong and sculpted arms. To achieve the desired results, it is important that you do the right training regularly. How many times a week should you train your biceps? This depends on a number of factors such as:
  • age,
  • level of sophistication,
  • the goal you want to achieve.
For beginners, it is recommended to do biceps exercises 2-3 times a week. However, if you are already advanced, you can increase the frequency of your workouts up to 4-5 times a week. Remember, however, that in addition to the biceps workout itself, it is also important to give your body enough recovery time. Therefore, you should leave at least one day of rest between each workout. For advanced athletes, you could also consider interval training, which involves performing intense exercises for a set period of time, followed by a longer break to achieve full recovery.

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Biceps exercises - essential advice

If you want to get the most out of your biceps exercises, it's worth following a few basic rules. First of all, remember to warm up properly before training. This will help you avoid injury and trauma. It is also important to perform the exercises in a controlled and slow manner and not forcefully. If you feel pain or discomfort, stop the exercise immediately. In addition, follow the advice below, which will certainly help to build up your arms.

Maintain good posture

Another important consideration is to maintain the correct posture when exercising. Remember to have a straight back and avoid rolling your elbows. Keep your elbows close to your body. However, if you feel that you find it difficult to maintain proper posture, start with smaller weights. Gradually increase the weight to avoid injury.


Don't overdo the amount of exercise

Don't do too many exercises for your biceps in one workout. Two or three series of 8-12 repetitions should be sufficient. Remember that muscles need time to recover, so don't train them too often. The right amount of exercise will give you good results while protecting you from injury.

Biceps exercises - effects and requirements

Biceps exercises are a way to strengthen and shape your arm muscles. Doing biceps exercises regularly has many benefits, such as improving strength and muscular endurance.

If you want to achieve these effects, there are a few important things to keep in mind.
  • Firstly, when training, focus on the correct technique for the exercises. Do them slowly and control the movements, avoiding sudden movements or overloading.
  • Secondly, warm up your muscles before training by doing some simple warm-up exercises. This will minimise the risk of injury during training.
  • It is also important to remember about muscle recovery. Regular biceps exercises put these muscles under a lot of strain, so it is worth taking care of their recovery during days off from training.
  • Keep in mind that as our training progresses, our demands increase. It is important to systematically increase the load and intensity of your training to maintain your progress and feel the acceleration in your biceps muscle development.


Training for the biceps - how do you select the load?

Choosing the right load when exercising for the biceps is crucial for maximum results. Here is advice on how to choose a load depending on the method you intend to develop your arms.


Loads for biceps training with a barbell

When training your biceps with a barbell, a good rule of thumb is to choose a load that allows you to perform between 8 and 12 repetitions in each series. If you are able to perform more during the last series - you should increase the weight.
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How much weight to put on dumbbells in biceps training?

When exercising your biceps with dumbbells, the weight can be slightly less than when exercising with a barbell. A good rule of thumb is to choose a load with which you can perform 12-15 repetitions in each series.

How do I choose a load for biceps training at home?

Various types of loads, such as water-filled bottles, sandbags or rubber bands, can be used for biceps exercises at home. When choosing a load, follow the principles described above. Remember that the key is to choose a load that will allow you to train effectively, but at the same time is not too heavy.


Biceps exercises - tips for beginners

If you are just getting started with biceps training, there are a few important points to note. Here are a number of practical tips for beginners.

Choose how to train

At the gym, you'll find many different pieces of equipment for biceps training - from barbells and dumbbells to various types of lifts. Before you start training, choose the way that is most comfortable for you and best suits your needs.

Choose your weights carefully

When choosing weights, remember that a load that is too heavy can lead to injury and a load that is too light will not have the intended effect. Choose the load so that you can perform several repetitions but still feel fatigue in your muscles.

Remember correct technique

Correct technique when performing biceps exercises is key to achieving results and avoiding injury. Pay attention to how you perform each exercise before you start training and improve your technique if necessary.

Don't overdo the amount of exercise

Regular training for the biceps is important, but don't overdo the number of exercises. For beginners, it is sufficient to do 3-4 exercises for the biceps in one workout. It is also important to give your muscles time to recover.


Pay attention to your diet

If you want to achieve the results you want, be sure to eat the right diet. Your meals should be rich in protein to meet your body's need for the nutrients needed to build muscle.

Remembering the above tips and taking supplements regularly will help you do an effective biceps workout and achieve your goals. The key to success is regularity and perseverance.


Exercises for the biceps are not only a way to gain an attractive figure, but also to strengthen the entire muscular system. That's why it's worth spending some time on them and training regularly. Remember that biceps training doesn't have to be complicated. It is enough to perform a few simple exercises to notice results. For these reasons, it's worth starting the process of exercising your biceps today - whether you exercise at home or at the gym.

Patryk Chodyniecki
Patryk Chodyniecki
A passionate bodybuilding, swimming, and martial arts enthusiast. He has been practicing strength sports for over 10 years, alternating between boxing, MMA, and swimming, which he enjoys combining. He is also interested in the broad field of supplementation and nutrition, which he gradually implements into his training.

Bibliography: - Bicep-workouts - Best biceps Exercises - Best bicep exercises for building muscle
A passionate bodybuilding, swimming, and martial arts enthusiast. He has been practicing strength sports for over 10 years, alternating between boxing, MMA, and swimming, which he enjoys combining. He is also interested in the broad field of supplementation and nutrition, which he gradually implements into his training.

Bibliography: - Bicep-workouts - Best biceps Exercises - Best bicep exercises for building muscle

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