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Strength Training Date Added: 02-08-2023

Exercises for the broad back muscle

If you want to strengthen your widest back muscles and improve your physique, you're in the right place! In this article, we will introduce you to the best exercises for the broadest back muscle to build a strong and broad back. Exercising the widest back muscle is not only important for aesthetics, but also for health. It will help you improve your posture and maintain good stability while training other muscle groups. How to perform back exercises correctly? Why is shoulder training also important in building a broad back? We write about it below!

The broadest back - what is this muscle?

In this case, we will start with the anatomy. The broadest back is one of the largest muscles in the body, located in the upper back area. It is responsible for many movements such as:
  • pulling the shoulders back,
  • rotating the shoulders outwards,
  • lifting the arms upwards.
It is through their work that the widest back muscles help you maintain a straight posture and perform many other strength exercises. By training your back, you will be able to improve your posture and maintain good stability while training other muscle groups.


Why should you train your back's widest muscle?

Exercising the widest back muscle is extremely important, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for health. Strengthening this muscle will help you avoid back pain and improve many of your daily movements. In addition, training for your back will increase your stamina and strength, as well as improving your mood and having a positive effect on your whole body. Their proper strengthening is crucial for your health, posture and overall fitness.

The best exercises for the back's widest muscle - pull-ups on a pull-up bar

The pull-up on a bar with an overhand grip is one of the best exercises found in the entire range of back training. If you want to perform this exercise correctly, you need to stand under the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Then, pull yourself up to the bar by pulling your shoulder blades back and keeping them close together. Repeat the movement several times. With this exercise you will strengthen your back muscles and improve your stability for other strength exercises. The wider you position your hands on the bar, the less you exercise the middle of your back and more the outer parts. If you don't have the strength to pull yourself up, go for the overhead lift.


Barbell rowing

Barbell rowing is another great exercise for the back's widest muscles. In this exercise, while holding the barbell in your hands, you need to lean forward while lifting the barbell upwards. You could say that this is a barbell deadlift. Remember that technique when performing this exercise is key, so try to perform each movement controlled and slowly. This will allow you to focus on working your muscles, which will result in better training results. Try to avoid a cat back in this exercise, which can lead to injury.

Lean forward - let your widest back muscles do the work

Leaning forward with dumbbells is a simple exercise that will help you strengthen your back's widest muscles. In this exercise, you need to lean forward with your hands placed at knee level. Then, raising your elbows to your sides, make backward arm movements. Remember to work only your back muscles and not your shoulders. This exercise is especially important for people who spend a lot of time in a sitting position. This way you can improve your posture and strengthen your back's widest muscles.

  • Make sure your back is straight and don't arch your spine when performing the exercise.
  • Work only your back muscles, not your shoulders.
  • Perform movements in a controlled and slow manner to avoid injury.

Back widest exercises and shoulder work

The width of your shoulders has a big impact on what exercises will work best for you. The wider your shoulders, the better the overhead lift or barbell exercises will work. On the other hand, if your shoulders are narrower, barbell or rowing machine exercises are recommended. Remember that the choice of exercises also depends on your individual fitness level and training goals. That's why it's a good idea to consult a personal trainer who will choose the right exercises for your back widest muscles, taking into account the specifics of your body.


The deadlift is a multi-joint strength exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the back, legs, arms, abdominals and glutes. It is a technique that involves lifting a weighted barbell off the ground to a full standing position, holding that position for a moment and then lowering the barbell back to the ground in a controlled manner. The correct execution of the deadlift is crucial to the safety and effectiveness of the exercise, and incorrect technique can lead to injury, particularly to the spine. When performed correctly, the deadlift is one of the most effective exercises in which you will develop strength and muscle mass throughout your body.

How to perform the deadlift correctly?

Performing the deadlift requires the right approach and technique. Nevertheless, this exercise is great for the back widest muscles, for the quadriceps, and the back extensor muscle. If you want to perform this exercise correctly, follow these steps:
  1. Starting position: Stand perpendicular to the barbell so that your feet are about shoulder width apart and the barbell is at mid-foot level. Bend your knees and hips to bend down and grab the barbell. Your grip should be slightly wider than shoulder width with your palms facing each other.
  2. Lifting the barbell: Start lifting the barbell by straightening your hips and knees. Remember to keep your back straight. The barbell should move along your legs and be as close to your body as possible.
  3. End position: As the barbell crosses your knees, begin to straighten your hips. You will reach the final position when your hips and knees are fully straight and the barbell is at hip height. Remember not to overload your back, and draw the strength to lift the barbell mainly from your legs.
  4. Lowering the barbell: Controlling the lowering of the barbell is just as important as lifting it. Start by bending your hips and then your knees, lowering the barbell along your body until it touches the floor.
  5. Safety: At this point, your back should be straight and tight at all times. Do not allow your spine to bend under the weight. Always choose a weight that you can lift safely and controllably. Remember - technique is more important than the weight!
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What are the most common mistakes when performing back exercises?

Exercises for the back muscles require precision and proper technique. Unfortunately, many people make mistakes when performing them - which can lead to injuries and a lack of training results. Eliminating the following mistakes should help you achieve success.
Using other muscles during an exercise

The most common mistake is to use other muscles, such as the arms or chest, when performing an exercise for the back muscles. Remember that only the back muscles should be working during the exercise.


Exercising too quickly

Another mistake is to perform movements at too fast a pace. This can lead to loss of control of the exercise and increase the risk of injury. It is advisable to perform the movements in a controlled and slow manner.


Not using the right load

Another mistake is using too little load. Exercises for the back muscles require strength and endurance, so be sure to choose the right load. Depending on the sophistication of your training, the load should be steadily increased.


Lack of stability when exercising

When performing exercises for the back muscles, stabilisation is also important. Too much freedom of movement can lead to injury, so be sure to maintain the correct body position and avoid excessive movement.

How do you combine a back exercise with another muscle part?

If you want to build a strong and broad back, exercises for the back's widest muscles are an excellent choice. However, bear in mind that strengthening just one muscle group is not enough to achieve broad body strengthening. That's why it's a good idea to incorporate strength exercises, such as push-ups or squats, into your training. They will help you strengthen your entire body and increase your endurance. When doing strength training exercises, always remember to move in a precise and controlled manner, avoid forceful changes and do not overload your muscles. If you have any doubts, consult a personal trainer who will certainly help you perform any workout safely.


Regeneration after training the broadest back muscles

Regeneration is a key part of the process of building muscle and improving training performance. It is during rest when our body repairs damaged muscle fibres and creates new ones, leading to muscle growth. Therefore, take care of elements such as:
  • Rest.
  • Nutrition.
  • Hydration.
  • Stretching and massage.
  • Sleep.
Remember that every body is different and may need an individually tailored recovery strategy.

What if you have back pain?

If you experience any painful discomfort when exercising your back widest muscle, you should consult your doctor. Inappropriate exercises can worsen your condition (you already have an injury).This is why it is important to consult a specialist before doing anything. Proper technique should not lead to pain. Don't ignore the signals your body is sending you. If you experience pain or discomfort, stop exercising immediately and consult your personal trainer and, if changing your technique doesn't help, your doctor. This will help you avoid more serious health problems.



Exercising the widest back muscle is important for maintaining good posture and avoiding back pain. Choosing the right methods first and foremost depends on your anatomy, training seniority and the muscle part you want to exercise directly. The best way to strengthen the back muscles is to combine exercises for the back's widest muscle with other strength exercises, such as barbell presses or squats, or even push-ups and sit-ups. Remember to perform the movements accurately, slowly and technically correctly. If you have any painful discomfort, consult your trainer and then your doctor.

Patryk Chodyniecki
Patryk Chodyniecki
A passionate bodybuilding, swimming, and martial arts enthusiast. He has been practicing strength sports for over 10 years, alternating between boxing, MMA, and swimming, which he enjoys combining. He is also interested in the broad field of supplementation and nutrition, which he gradually implements into his training.

Bibliography: - The 8 best exercises for a wider back rise - 5 best exercises for latissimus dorsi one of the largest muscles of the body - Upper back exercises
A passionate bodybuilding, swimming, and martial arts enthusiast. He has been practicing strength sports for over 10 years, alternating between boxing, MMA, and swimming, which he enjoys combining. He is also interested in the broad field of supplementation and nutrition, which he gradually implements into his training.

Bibliography: - The 8 best exercises for a wider back rise - 5 best exercises for latissimus dorsi one of the largest muscles of the body - Upper back exercises

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