When preparing milk, keep the given proportions of powder and water, therefore, to measure the right amount of powder, use only the enclosed measuring cup. Suggested serving sizes should be treated as indicative, because each child has different nutritional needs.
30 ml of water per one scoop of powder
*Unless your doctor tells you otherwise
**From the age of 5 months, after consulting a pediatrician, you can start introducing complementary foods to your child's diet. Each full portion of a new meal (porridge, lunch) replaces 1 bottle of milk.
Boil fresh drinking water and cool it to a temperature of approx. 40°-50°C*, then pour 2/3 of the required amount of boiled and cooled water into the bottle. Loosely fill the measuring cup with powder and remove any excess with the back of a knife. Pour the recommended number of scoops of powder (according to the instructions on the packaging) into the bottle. Then close the bottle and shake vigorously. Refill the remaining amount of water and shake the bottle again a few times. Just before serving, cool the milk to a temperature of approx. 37°C.
*To protect natural cultures of lactic acid bacteria, do not pour boiling water over the powder.