Main Page » Dietitian Tips - Supplement Suggestions » What is prolactin and why should we pay attention to it?
Patryk Chodyniecki
Patryk Chodyniecki
Date Added: 31-08-2019
Update date: 23-09-2024

What is prolactin and why should we pay attention to it?

Prolaktyna jest hormonem, którego produkcja odbywa się w przysadce mózgowej. Sama nazwa prolaktyny wywodzi się od pełnienia jej pierwotnej roli – laktacji. Oprócz tego jej działanie jest znacznie szersze, a rozpoczyna się od usprawnienia układu rozrodczego, po wpływ na naszą wewnętrzną aurę psychologiczną i regulację całego układu odpornościowego. Zwana jest jako hormon luteotropowy (LTH), który związany jest z laktacją u ssaków. Od momentu ujawnienia tego hormonu do chwili obecnej stwierdzono, że prolaktyna odpowiada za ponad 300 funkcji w naszym organizmie.

Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland. The very name of prolactin derives from its original role – lactation. In addition, its action is much wider, starting from  improving the reproductive system, to affecting our inner psychological aura and regulating the entire immune system. It is known as luteotropic hormone (LTH), which is associated with lactation in mammals. Since the disclosure of this hormone to the present, it has been found that prolactin is responsible for over 300 functions in our body. Due to so many possibilities of its connection, it was decided to single out several areas that are associated with the appropriate level of prolactin:
- reproductive area, - metabolic area, - area related to osmoregulation, - area related to the immune system, - area assigned to behavioral functions.


Prolactin is a hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland as well as in other places such as the uterus, breasts, prostate, skin, immune cells and fat cells. Among the most important factors that regulate the production of prolactin in the pituitary gland is the hormone dopamine. Dopamine is produced in the hypothalamus, which is located just above the pituitary gland. It responds in an inhibitory way to the production of prolactin, which in practice means that the more dopamine we have in the body, the lower the concentration of prolactin will be. Prolactin, in turn, should be identified with the secretion of dopamine. It forms a feedback loop. The regulation of prolactin is also influenced by estrogens that regulate it. They work in such a way that they increase the production and secretion of prolactin from the pituitary gland. The nature of such action is extremely important during pregnancy, when there is an increased concentration of estrogens. This relationship leads to an increase in the amount of prolactin and inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropins, which are responsible for the maturation of the Graffian follicle and ovulation. Prolactin, by inhibiting these hormones, leads to stopping menstruation.


Prolactin levels are checked by a blood test. The result is usually available within 24 hours of the test. The level of this hormone is not constant and in women it depends on which phase of the cycle took place during the examination. The following levels can be distinguished:
· follicular phase – below 23 µg/l, · lutein phase – below 40 µg/l, · third trimester of pregnancy – up to 400 µg/L, Men, due to the lack of female cycles, have a constant prolactin level of 20 µg/L. The female prolactin hormone concentration levels listed indicate specific actions in the body: · 5-25 ng/ml - normal range, · above 25 ng/ml – irregular periods and anovulatory cycles occur · above 50 ng/ml – possible complete cessation of menstruation · over 100 ng/ml – pituitary tumors may appear.


If the concentration of prolactin in the blood is above average, we can talk about Hyperprolactinemia. The most common causes of this anomaly are pregnancy, dopamine-depleting drugs, hypothyroidism, and benign pituitary tumors. decanoate, nadrolone phenylpropionate (colloquially known as “deca”). Antidepressants also work in a similar way. Symptoms of hyperprolactinaemia are varied and include the following symptoms:
 *disorders related to the menstrual cycle. In practice, menstruation occurs more often than every 25 days, or less often than every 33 days. Over time, menstruation decreases and then disappears altogether. As a rule, cycles are anovulatory, which makes it much more difficult to get pregnant.  *Lower libido. Sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness is painful and problematic.  *There are numerous headaches and even visual disturbances. It is caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland pressing on the optic chiasm.  * There is a deficiency of female hormones in women - estrogen, or a deficiency of male hormones in men - testosterone.  *There are skin changes. Acne or excessive facial hair appears.  *Gynecomastia, nervousness and depression have been reported in men.  *Both men and women can have disorders of calcium and phosphate metabolism and bone mineralization. Most patients who suffer from high prolactin levels can get relief from drugs that act like dopamine. If menstrual disorders are prolonged, you should visit a gynecologist - endocrinologist. As a rule, such a doctor recommends testing the level of prolactin in the blood. For such a blood analysis, you should go on an empty stomach from 8:00 to 12:00. The day before the test, you should not have intercourse, train and eat a heavy dinner. If you have an excess of prolactin, your doctor will also test for any thyroid-related hormones. If the results of the examination do not indicate that we are dealing with hypothyroidism, the doctor sends for prolactin testing again. This method of research helps to determine initially that we are dealing with a pituitary adenoma. If it is revealed, then it is recommended to perform a magnetic resonance or tomography in order to determine the location of the tumor and its size.


Prolactin levels that are below normal may indicate what is known as  Hypoprolactinemia. This is a condition when the level of prolactin in the blood is lowered. However, it occurs extremely rarely and, as a rule, affects people with  hypopituitarism. Prolactin levels affect breastfeeding as it can lead to insufficient milk production after delivery. A significant proportion of people diagnosed with low prolactin levels do not have any particular health problems. However, it happens that too low levels of prolactin can affect the reduced resistance of the immune system and susceptibility to some infections of the body.


At the moment there is no single and effective way to lower high levels of prolactin in the blood. The situation is much more complicated when we are dealing with disorders of prolactin levels due to adenoma. prolactin. Enlargement of the tumor leads to an increase in the concentration of prolactin in the blood. Elevated prolactin levels can also result from taking certain medications. In this case, the doctor will recommend discontinuing them and replacing them with other specifics that will not cause such side effects. A significant proportion of prolactin-related tumors are benign. Early detection of excess prolactin and tumors allows the tumors to be absorbed with appropriate drugs, e.g. Bromocriptine, Norprolac or Dostinex. There may be a situation in which, despite pharmacological treatment, the tumor continues to exist. In this case, surgery will be necessary. It consists in the fact that the doctor makes a small incision in the middle of the mouth under the upper lip, and then enters the pituitary gland and removes the tumor. After surgery, additional radiation therapy is recommended. After such a procedure, medical consultations and endocrinologist control of prolactin levels in the body are necessary.


The pituitary gland is an essential element of our body. The bean-sized organ, which consists of two lobes and is attached to the brain, secretes hormones responsible for the proper functioning of our body. The hormones that the pituitary gland secretes are as follows:
thyrotropin (TSH) – responsible for the stimulation, production and release of thyroid hormones - T3 and T4, affects the growth of the thyroid gland; - adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) – is responsible for regulating the adrenal glands, and consequently produces hormones such as aldosterone, cortisone; - gonadotropic, i.e. FSH, LH, prolactin – affecting the functioning of the sex glands – ovaries in women, testes in men; - growth (GH) - supports bone, cartilage and muscle development. The posterior pituitary produces hormones that affect certain cells in the human body. They are not superior to other hormones. To date, the production of the following hormones by the posterior pituitary has been distinguished:
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) - protecting against dehydration and affecting the functioning of the kidneys. - Oxytocin – a hormone that causes the uterus to contract and also to produce milk in a woman's body.


Vitamin B6 consists of six compounds that are derivatives of 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-pyridine substances. The indicated elements are very common in foods such as:
- meat, - offal, - nuts, - legumes, - whole grains, - bananas. Many of the enzymes that make up metabolic processes act with vitamin B6. Thanks to let the processes take place, e.g. related to the nitrogen management of the body, the synthesis of sulfur amino acids or neurotransmitters. Taking care of the right amount of vitamin B6 in our body ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system. It is also recommended to take vitamin B6 routinely in case of hyperprolatinaemia caused by  taking anabolic androgenic steroids. Studies have been conducted on taking vitamin B6 as a way to lower prolactin levels in the body. It turned out that the intake of very large amounts of vitamin B6 was observed in the study participants a significant decrease in prolactin levels. The demand for vitamin B6 in a healthy body rarely exceeds a dose of 4 mg per day (usually it is in the range of 1.4 to 1.6 mg). The effective fight against hyperprolactinemia is in the much higher range, from 300 to 600 mg per day.  In terms of the effect of vitamin B6, an experiment was carried out by Italian scientists on ten women who suffered from hyperprolatinaemia. It was observed in them that the administration of 600 mg of pyridoxine for good in two doses of 300 mg each resulted in a decrease in the level of prolactin while increasing the concentration of growth hormone. Another interesting study in the field of prolactin was carried out by a group of scientists led by Professor Bariett. In the experiment, it was observed that the administration of higher doses of vitamin B6 causes a decrease in prolactin, but in the case of physical exertion - it increased. The research group were men. Separate studies conducted by Professor Deital on the level of prolactin confirmed the above-mentioned relationship in the case of taking pyridoxine.


From the studies mentioned above, it can be concluded that the administration of vitamin B6 in a dose of 300 to 600 mg can lead to a significant decrease in prolactin. In this case, one should consider whether vitamin B6 administered wisely will be more effective than most medications. It turns out that its effectiveness is high, but it is not as good as Bromocriptine. This does not change the fact that if you try to treat with vitamin B6, you can get an even stronger effect by combining it with various plants. Popular combinations of vitamin B6 include:
- vitamin B6 + maca bean extract, - vitamin B6 + maca extract, - vitamin B6 + zinc and vitamin E. Such a mixture will certainly give us a stronger anti-prolactin effect.


A balanced diet is very often the cause of hyperprolatinaemia. For this reason should avoid eating processed foods as well as foods rich in fats and sugars. It is worth absorbing food that is not processed, e.g. fruits and vegetables. When choosing vegetables, make sure they are dark green. Vegetables that contain high concentrations of antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties. You can't forget about the absorption of protein, complex carbohydrates, and n-3 fats. It's a good idea to analyze your calcium status and also pay attention to foods that contain vitamin B6. Foods that contain a lot of vitamin B6 include:
- meat and offal, - yeast, - fish, - legumes, - eggs, - green vegetables, i.e. cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, beans, - bananas, - peanuts and walnuts, as well as pumpkin seeds. It is worth noting that not only trans fats should be avoided, but also sweets, glucose-fructose syrup and sweet dairy products. An interesting concept is also to consider taking inositol.


Inositol is a naturally occurring substance in our body that supports our nervous system. It has been proven that its intake affects the synthesis of neurotransmitters, regulates blood sugar levels, prevents cardiovascular and heart diseases, and supports the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. Its use should be consulted with a doctor beforehand.


The anterior pituitary gland is responsible for the release of prolactin, a hormone crucial to many processes in the body. Symptoms of elevated prolactin levels may include menstrual disorders, especially irregular periods. Understanding that dopamine inhibits prolactin release is crucial in treating these problems, as dopamine deficiency can lead to increased prolactin production. In addition, studies have shown that there is a strong relationship between the impact of a deficiency of certain vitamins on the formation of hyperprolactinemia. Vitamin B6 acts as a regulator of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of prolactin. If our body is deficient in vitamin B6, there may be disorders in the production of this substance by the pituitary gland. It is recommended to use vitamin B6 mainly by women who have abnormal levels of prolactin. The best method is to take vitamin B6 together with magnesium, because both components support each other and regulate the hormonal balance. The interconnection leads to the maximization of the effect of both supplements. An interesting substance responsible for regulating the pituitary hormone is  Niacin, otherwise vitamin B3. Belongs to the group of water-soluble substances. It plays an important role in ensuring the proper functioning of the nervous system and in the synthesis of compounds important for the body. Vitamin B3 is endogenous, which means that the human body is able to produce this substance itself. The daily demand for this ingredient may exceed the production capacity of our body. Its highest concentration is found in the liver, skeletal muscles and kidneys. In terms of durability, it is considered one of the best vitamins. The supplement is resistant to UV rays, low and high temperatures, acids or bases and oxygen. It can be absorbed in meals, which are very often the source of a proper bodybuilding diet. Vitamin B3 is found, among others, in in:

- lean meat, - offal, - pork, - beef, - fish, - mushrooms, - sunflower. Niacin is worth attention not only because of the fight against excess prolactin, but also when we care about  proper metabolism of basic macronutrients that are present in food, e.g. proteins, carbohydrates and fats. However, its use should be limited to smaller amounts because its excess can lead to allergies. It is impossible to overlook the beneficial effect of vitamin E, which, unlike Niacin, does not have any side effects during use, so it is completely safe for our body. It lowers the level of prolactin in the body, and also ensures and regulates its proper concentration. The recommended dose for elevated prolactin levels is 400 IU per day. Vitamin E also has a number of other advantages for our body that should convince us to take this supplement. It is commonly called the "vitamin of youth" because, as the main antioxidant, it protects human cells from aging. One of the most popular and easily available substances that also regulates the level of the analyzed hormone is  Zinc. Relevant studies have been conducted in this area on two groups of people. The first group did not take zinc at all or products that contained this mineral. The second group had the opposite task and took a zinc supplement along with foods that are rich in this substance. As the results showed, a group of people who did not use Zinc supplementation at all, and did not eat meals containing it, had elevated prolactin levels. People consuming zinc regularly recorded a normal and appropriate level of prolactin. For this reason, it is recommended to introduce zinc into our diet, because in the absence of it, prolactin may be dysregulated in our body. Every person who cares about their health and wants to avoid any complications related to it should have their prolactin level tested. Early detection of abnormalities related to prolactin levels can provide us with faster detection of more serious diseases such as tumors, and problems related to fertility and thyroid. In the era of universal access to supplementation and dietary knowledge, it is possible to protect what is most precious to us - health - at a low cost. For this reason, it is worth undergoing tests, and also take care of the proper concentration of prolactin levels in the body, either by diet or supplements. 


Now Foods P-5-P 50 mg - 90 vegan capsules


Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) acts primarily as an enzyme catalyst in many body processes, including energy metabolism and neurotransmitter function.  Before it can be used for this purpose, it must be converted to the coenzyme form (P-5-P) by the liver. Now Foods P-5-P eliminates this step by providing B-6 already in its converted form, allowing for greater bioavailability. 

THORNE Ultimate-E® (Vitamin E - Mixed Tocopherols - Antioxidant) 60 softgels


Ultimate E contains a mixture of all tocopherols and uses molecular distillation to remove allergenic soy residues. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant and has been shown to benefit the circulatory system. Thorne's Ultimate-E contains mixed tocopherols and provides significant antioxidant activity in fat-soluble tissues. Numerous clinical studies have shown that vitamin E is beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Ultimate-E, with a naturally occurring ratio of tocopherols, is an effective way to supplement vitamin E - without the addition of soybean oil as a filler. Recent studies on mixed tocopherols indicate that they have a stronger inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation than alpha-tocopherol alone, indicating a stronger antioxidant effect. Thorne's Vitamin E ingredient is extracted from a mixture of vegetable oils, including soybean oil. However, any potentially allergenic soy residue is removed during the distillation process and Ultimate-E is not diluted with soy oil.

NOW FOODS Inositol (Inositol) 500mg - 100 vegan capsules


Inositol is part of the "family" vitamins from the  B group, whose dietary sources are both of animal and plant origin. The form of Inositol used in this product is Myo-Inositol, the most abundant form of this nutrient. Inositol is found in all cell membranes, with the highest concentrations in the brain and central nervous system playing an important role in neurotransmitter signaling. Inositol is also critical for proper insulin function, lipid metabolism and the maintenance of cellular calcium balance.   

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Zinc is essential for growth, immune system function, metabolism and many other functions in the body. Zinc is involved in over 200 enzyme reactions and plays a key role in genetic expression, cell division and development. Clinical studies show that supplementation supplementation with zinc can improve overall well-being and benefit connective tissue, as well as reproductive and visual health. However, not all zinc supplements are effectively absorbed by the body. Picolinic acid is a natural mineral chelator produced from the amino acid tryptophan in the liver and kidneys and then transported to the pancreas. During digestion, picolinic acid is secreted from the pancreas into the small intestine, where it binds to minerals such as zinc to facilitate mineral absorption. People susceptible to zinc deficiency include the elderly, the immunocompromised, people, burn victims and athletes. Adequate levels of zinc are necessary to support proper production of u, a hormone essential for promoting lean muscle mass. 

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Barletta C, Sellini M, Bartoli A, Bigi C, Buzzetti R, Giovannini C. Influence of administration of pyridoxine on circadian rhythm of plasma ACTH, cortisol prolactin and somatotropin in normal subjects. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper. 1984 Feb 28;60(2):273. 2. Moretti C, Fabbri A, Gnessi L, Bonifacio V, Fraioli F, Isidori A. Pyridoxine (B6) suppresses the rise in prolactin and increases the rise in growth hormone induced by exercise. N Engl J Med. 1982 Aug 12;307(7):444-5 3. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1976 Mar;42(3):603-6. Effect of pyridoxine on human hypophyseal trophic hormone release: a possible stimulation of hypothalamic dopaminergic pathway. Delitala G, Masala A, Alagna S, Devilla L.

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Patryk Chodyniecki
Patryk Chodyniecki
A passionate bodybuilding, swimming, and martial arts enthusiast. He has been practicing strength sports for over 10 years, alternating between boxing, MMA, and swimming, which he enjoys combining. He is also interested in the broad field of supplementation and nutrition, which he gradually implements into his training.
A passionate bodybuilding, swimming, and martial arts enthusiast. He has been practicing strength sports for over 10 years, alternating between boxing, MMA, and swimming, which he enjoys combining. He is also interested in the broad field of supplementation and nutrition, which he gradually implements into his training.

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