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Dr. Mercola

(total products: 67)

Introducing Dr. Mercola: Your Path to Quality Health

Discover a comprehensive range of health solutions meticulously crafted by Dr. Joseph Mercola – an Internationally Recognized Natural Health Expert and Activist. Dr. Mercola products are synonymous with excellence and quality.

Uncompromised Purity: Dr. Mercola products are free from harmful chemicals, contaminants, and questionable ingredients, ensuring your well-being is prioritized.

Expert Formulation: Dr. Mercola's products are a result of collaborative efforts between Dr. Mercola himself and a dedicated Product Development Team of scientists and specialists.

Premium Standards: Only products meeting Dr. Mercola's stringent standards make it to the market, ensuring you receive top-tier supplements.

Explore the diverse range of vitamins, nutrients, dietary supplements, and high-quality pet supplements Dr. Mercola offers. Welcome a healthier lifestyle with Dr. Mercola's commitment to quality health.


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DR. MERCOLA Vitamin K2 (Vitamin K2 for Bone Health) 30 Capsules
Could your cardiovascular health or your “vascular age” be a more accurate indicator of your health and longevity? Some cardiovascular experts today believe so. Your arteries need to remain elastic and flexible to effectively transport blood and nutrients to…
46,21 €
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Dr. Mercola Witamina B12 Energy Booster 25ml
Suplement diety Dr. Mercola Witamina B12 Energy Booster w sprayu zawiera 1000 µg witaminy B12 w formie metylokabalaminy. Ta aktywna biologicznie postać witaminy B12 pełni wiele, bardzo istotnych funkcji ochronnych dla organizmu. Dodatkowo dzięki formie sprayu…
27,58 €
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DR. MERCOLA Berberine and MicroPQQ Advanced (Berberine with PQQ, Antioxidation) 30 Capsules
Researchers have discovered that your mitochondria – those powerful energy factories within your cells – actually drive your body’s cellular aging. As you grow older, your mitochondria undergo damage and mutations that affect their function. These damaged mitochondria…
39,51 €
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Dr. MERCOLA Liposomal Vitamin C 1000mg (Immunity Support) 60 Capsules
There is a major problem with traditional oral vitamin C. There is simply no bioavailability advantage that liposomal technology offers. This means that sometimes you can't get as much vitamin C as you want because it can cause digestive problems. And because…
29,57 €
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DR. MERCOLA Liposomal Vitamin C for Kids (Immune Support) 30 Capsules
It’s probably no surprise to you… kids need vitamin C just as much as you do, maybe even more. If you’re a parent or a grandparent, you know how challenging it can be to get kids to eat the right types of foods, especially vegetables. This can put them at risk…
17,64 €
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DR. MERCOLA Liquid Zinc Drops (Immune Support) 3.88 fl. oz. (115ml)
Your immune system is your first line of defense against everyday threats, and regardless of what conventional medical professionals say, there’s much you can do to support it. Zinc may be the most important helper nutrient for your immune system to perform optimally. Yet,…
28,33 €
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DR. MERCOLA Saw Palmetto Liquid Drops (60 ml)
Produkowany przez firmę z ponad 25-letnim doświadczeniem w formułach ziołowych,  Saw Palmetto Liquid Drops oferuje najwyższej jakości formułę palmetto.SKŁADNIKI:Ekstrakt z owoców palmy sabałowej (Serenoa repens); nośnik:  gliceryna;  alkohol z trzciny (4-5%).Składnikiw…
26,83 €
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DR. MERCOLA Zinc Plus Selenium (Immune, Brain Support) 30 Capsules
Zinc deficiency is a widespread concern for people around the world – nearly 1 in 3 individuals may be deficient. Because the signs of a zinc deficiency mimic those of other common disorders, it’s often overlooked. Even if you’re getting enough zinc in your diet,…
18,88 €
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DR. MERCOLA Antioxidants for Cats & Dogs Powder 135g
One thing is for certain: Our pets’ healthy lives are far too short. Dogs and cats age exponentially compared to us, and on top of that, many pet owners make simple mistakes that can hasten their pet’s rate of cellular aging even further. Factors like eating…
DR. MERCOLA Astaksantyna 4 mg (30 kaps.)
SKŁAD:astaksantyna, oliwa z oliwek, otoczka (żelatyna z tilapii), lecytyna słonecznikowa, substancja konserwująca: ekstrakt z liści rozmarynu.Składniki1 kapsułkaRWSAstaksantyna(z Haematococcus pluvialis) ekstrakt4 mg<1%RWS - Dzienna referencyjna wartość spożycia<>…
DR. MERCOLA Astaksantyna 4 mg (90 kaps.)
SKŁAD:astaksantyna, oliwa z oliwek, otoczka (żelatyna z tilapii), lecytyna słonecznikowa, substancja konserwująca: ekstrakt z liści rozmarynu.Składniki1 kapsułkaRWSAstaksantyna(z Haematococcus pluvialis) ekstrakt4 mg<1%RWS - Dzienna referencyjna wartość spożycia<>…
DR. MERCOLA Bark and Whiskers (previously as: Complete Probiotics for Cats and Dogs) 90g
Bowel health is one of the top 10 reasons pet owners bring their pets to the veterinarian for health care. Supporting your pet’s gastrointestinal health is a key factor in ensuring he lives the best life possible, and probiotics can help put him on the right…
DR. MERCOLA Biothin® Probiotic (Lactobacillus gasseri Probiotic) 30 Capsules
Nearly nine out of 10 Americans are metabolically unhealthy, which explains why so many people carry around excess inches and pounds. Each 250 mg serving of Biothin® Probiotic provides 10 billion CFU of beneficial probiotics from metabolic health supporting Lactobacillus…
DR. MERCOLA Bladder Support for Cats & Dogs 90g
Your pet’s kidneys and bladder play an important role in his body’s detoxification processes. With the high toxic load in our modern environment, it’s more important than ever to support your pet’s urinary system so it can stay strong and healthy. As a pet parent,…
Dr. MERCOLA Complete Probiotics 70 Billion CFU (Delayed Release) 30 Capsules
Today, more than ever, you need an effective way to help support a healthy balance of microbes in your gut. By nourishing and balancing your healthy microbiome with high-quality probiotics, you help support many key functions in your body – like digestion, absorption…
Dr. MERCOLA Complete Probiotics for Women (Delayed Release) 30 Capsules
Today, more than ever, you need an effective way to help support a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut. By nourishing and balancing your healthy microbiome with high-quality probiotics, you help support many key functions in your body – like digestion, absorption…
DR. MERCOLA Curcumin Advanced (Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant) 30 Capsules
Hailed as “the spice of life,” turmeric has been celebrated for thousands of years as a powerful health promoter. Revered in India throughout much of history, it has been gaining popularity worldwide in recent years. You may even have some of this colorful “curry…
DR. MERCOLA D-mannoza z Żurawiną (60 kaps.)
D-Mannoza z żurawiną (Dr. Mercola) (60 kapsułek)Składniki: d-mannoza; ekstrakt z żurawiny; organiczna maltodekstryna; substancja wypełniająca: celuloza mikrokrystaliczna; organiczne łupiny ryżowe; kwas cytrynowy; kapsułka: hydroksypropylometyloceluloza.     Porcja…
DR. MERCOLA Digestive Enzymes for Cats & Dogs 120g
Does your pet eat mostly commercially processed food such as kibble or canned food? If so, there’s a good chance she isn’t receiving all the enzymes she may need. Even though your pet’s body can make some of the enzymes needed to digest food, it relies on the…
DR. MERCOLA Eye Support 90 Capsules
Contrary to popular opinion, declining eyesight isn’t a result of growing older. Rather, it’s often a side effect of our modern lifestyle – and a lack of the nutrients your eyes need to thrive. Smoking, obesity, blood sugar and blood pressure issues as well as…
DR. MERCOLA Fermented Beta Glucans  (60 kaps.)
OPIS:Spożywanie beta-glukanu nie tylko pomaga przywrócić i utrzymać równowagę flory jelitowej, ale poprawia również skuteczność układu odpornościowego.Zwiększ aktywność przeciwutleniającą w zaledwie dwie godziny, aby chronić komórki i tkanki przed wolnymi rodnikami…
DR. MERCOLA Fermented Black Garlic - Fermentowany Czarny Czosnek (60 kaps.)
Czosnek Czarny Sfermentowany (dr Mercola) (60 kapsułek)Składniki suplementu diety: sproszkowana bulwa sfermentowanego czosnku, substancje pomocnicze: substancja wypełniająca - koncentrat organicznego ryżu, kapsułka - hydroksypropylometylocelulozaPorcja dzienna: 2…
DR. MERCOLA Fermented Chlorella (450 tabl.)
OPIS:Chlorella, jednokomórkowa alga słodkowodna, jest jedną z najstarszych form życia roślinnego. Pochodzi z Tajwanu i Japonii, zawiera więcej podtrzymującego życie chlorofilu niż jakakolwiek inna roślina.W jej jądrze znajduje się unikalny kompleks zwany Chlorella…
Dr. MERCOLA Gallbladder Enzymes Delayed Release 30 capsules
The gallbladder is a small organ that lies on the underside of your liver. Its main purpose is to store bile produced by your liver and release it into the digestive tract as needed to digest fat. If you’ve had your gallbladder removed, you’ve probably noticed…
Dr. MERCOLA H2 Molecular Hydrogen 30 Tablets
You can’t escape oxidative stress. It’s something that happens naturally in your cells. And when you pile on the stressors of everyday living, such as pollution and processed foods, you can end up with high levels of oxidative stress that can damage your cells…
DR. MERCOLA Hair, Skin and Nails 30 Capsules
Many people equate strong, lustrous hair, soft, glowing skin, and smooth, strong nails with optimal health and youthfulness. And countless individuals – men and women alike – spare little expense trying to achieve these effects, often with products and procedures…
Dr. MERCOLA Immune Balance for Cats & Dogs 102g
Immune dysfunction is the single most common reason owners take their pets to the veterinarian. It may be because their immune systems are on overdrive, torching hidden allergies and itchy skin. Or their immune systems may be under-performing and exposing them…
Dr. Mercola Iodine (Jod) 1,5 mg 30 kapsułek
Suplement diety Dr. Mercola Iodine (Jod) 1,5 mg 30 kapsułek to wysokiej jakości produkt, który oferuje bardzo ważny dla zdrowia pierwiastek jakim jest jod. Produkt ten wyróżnia się dużą przyswajalnością i biodostępnością dla organizmu. Sprawia to innowacyjna forma…
DR. MERCOLA Iodine 1,500mcg (Iodine, Thyroid Support) 90 Capsules
Abundant in sea vegetables, ocean fish and shellfish, iodine is an essential trace mineral that your body requires in small daily doses for normal development and healthy function. It’s absolutely vital for your thyroid, which produces two key hormones that affect…
DR. MERCOLA Keto Krill (60 kaps.)
SKŁAD:Cholina, Olej MCT z kwasem kaprylowym (C8), Keto Krill Oil, Fosfolipidy, fosfatydylocholina, kwas eikozapentaenowy (EPA), kwas dokozaheksaenowy (DHA), fosfatydyloseryna (z lecytyny słonecznikowej), żelatyna rybna (kapsułka).Zawiera skorupiaki (kryl) oraz…
DR. MERCOLA Ketone Energy MCT Oil (473 ml)
Kwas kaprylowy - Ketone Energy MCT (dr Mercola) Oil (473 ml)Składniki: olej kokosowy zawierający średniołańcuchowe kwasy tłuszczowe (MCT)         Porcja dzienna (15 ml - 1 łyżka) zawiera: kwas kaprylowy (C8) - 14 gOlej MCT przenika bezpośrednio przez jelita do…
Dr. Mercola Kids Krill Oil (Olej z Kryla dla Dzieci) 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Dr. Mercola Olej z Kryla dla dzieci to wysokiej jakości produkt, który dostarcza czystego i naturalnego oleju z kryla, poławianego na łowisku zrównoważonym. Wszystkie łowiska, wykorzystywane do połowów ryb dla tego suplementu, szczycą się posiadaniem…

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