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Medica Herbs

(total products: 106)
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MEDICA HERBS African Pelargonium (Respiratory Support) 60 capsules
African pelargonium (Pelargonium sidoides), also known as Umckaloabo, supports the proper functioning of the respiratory system. It is used as a natural immune support, especially during seasonal weather changes and the winter period. The product does not contain…
Medica Herbs Amigdalina B17 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs Amigdalina B17 to preparat zawierający naturalny wyciąg z pestek Moreli zwyczajnej (Prunus armeniaca), która jest drzewem owocowym występującym na wielu kontyngentach. Stanowi ona źródło Amigdaliny, nazywanej też witaminą B17. W składzie…
MEDICA HERBS Amla (Immunity Support) 60 Capsules
Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) supports the proper functioning of the immune system, thus helping to maintain strength and energy. It helps to maintain the proper level of glucose in the blood and a healthy cardiovascular system. It is used in digestive ailments and…
Medica Herbs Andrografis Forte 500mg 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs Andrografis Forte to wyjątkowy produkt, który dostarcza wyciągu z ziela Andrographis paniculata. Roślina ta znana jest ze swoich właściwości. Naturalnie rośnie na terenie Indii i Sri Lanki. Preparat od Medica Herbs wyróżnia się prostym,…
MEDICA HERBS Andrographis (Lyme Disease) 60 Capsules
Andrografis (Andrographis paniculata) comprehensively supports the proper functioning of the immune system, especially during seasonal changes in the weather and the winter period. It is helpful in the treatment of upper respiratory tract ailments, such as cough…
Medica Herbs Ashwagandha 500 mg 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs Ashwagandha to wysokiej jakości produkt, który dostarcza ekstraktu z korzenia witani ospałej, nazywanej także Ashwagandhą. Roślina ta jest skarbnicą związków mineralnych i substancji czynnych o licznych właściwościach. Dlatego też…
MEDICA HERBS Bamboo (Supports natural beauty) 60 capsules
Bambusa vulgaris leaf extract contains 70% silica. Silica supports the proper structure of connective tissue, which helps to preserve, among others, proper condition of the skin, hair and nails. It also helps maintain healthy bones and joints.
MEDICA HERBS Bamboo 300mg (Bamboo Extract) 45 Capsules
The extract is a preparation obtained from the leaves of Bambusa vulgaris. The silica contained in the bamboo extract supports the maintenance of the proper structure of connective tissue, which helps to preserve, among others proper condition of the skin and…
MEDICA HERBS Bamboo Biotin Horsetail 60 Capsules
Biotin, horsetail and bamboo help maintain the proper condition of the skin and hair, and support the proper strength of nails. Horsetail together with biotin contribute to maintaining the proper condition of the bones. Additionally, biotin supports the natural…
Medica Herbs Biotyna 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs Biotyna to wysokiej jakości preparat, dostarczający wysokiej jakości witaminę B7. Produkt ten nie został wzbogacony żadnymi dodatkami, wypełniaczami czy barwnikami. Występuje w wygodnej postaci kapsułek. Biotyna to składnik, który…
MEDICA HERBS Boswellia (Frankincense) 60 capsules
Boswellia serrata supports the proper functioning of the locomotor system (joints). It supports the proper course of the collagen production process, favoring the natural regeneration of articular cartilage. Boswellia supports the protection of the gastrointestinal…
Medica Herbs Bromelaina 60 kapsułek
Medica Herbs Bromelaina 60 kapsułek to suplement diety stworzony z myślą o osobach, które pragną wprowadzić do swojej suplementacji sprawdzone źródło bromelainy – substancji znanej z wyjątkowych wszechstronnych właściwości. Bromelaina to substancja pozyskiwana…
MEDICA HERBS Chasteberry (Menopause and Premenstrual Support) 60 capsules
Immaculate Conception (Vitex agnus-castus) supports the proper course of the menstrual cycle. It helps soothe discomforts of menopause and premenstrual tension. Thanks to this, Niepokalanek is conducive to maintaining physical well-being and emotional balance.…
MEDICA HERBS Chrysanthemum Maruna (Natural Relaxation) 60 Capsules
Marshmallow (Tanacetum parthenium) supports a state of natural relaxation, contributing to mental and physical well-being. It supports the proper microcirculation in the capillaries, thanks to which it supports the proper nutrition and oxygenation of the body's…
MEDICA HERBS Cistus 500mg (Immune Support) 60 Capsules
Cistus incanus is a rich source of antioxidants that support the proper protection of body cells against free radicals. In addition, it supports the proper functioning of the immune system, especially during seasonal weather changes and the winter period.
MEDICA HERBS Curcumin 98 + Piperine 60 Capsules
Curcuma longa has a wide and synergistic effect on the body. It supports the proper functioning of the digestive system and the nervous system. It helps to maintain the proper level of cholesterol and thus supports the proper functioning of the cardiovascular…
Medica Herbs Cynk Chelat 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs Cynk Chelat to preparat stanowiący źródło cynku w jego najlepiej przyswajalnej formie diglicynianu cynku (chelatu), który jest także dobrze tolerowany przez organizm. W składzie suplementu nie ma miejsca na sztuczne dodatki, konserwanty…
MEDICA HERBS Devil's Claw (Devil's Claw, Locomotor and Digestive System Support) 60 Capsules
Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) supports the proper functioning of the locomotor system, especially the joints. In addition, it supports the proper functioning of the digestive system and helps maintain the proper level of appetite.
MEDICA HERBS Dong Quai Forte 560mg (Chinese Angelica) 40 Capsules
Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) supports the proper functioning of the female genitourinary system. It is used, among others for symptoms related to menopause and painful menstruation. It helps to maintain an appropriate level of vitality, especially during mental…
MEDICA HERBS Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea, extract) 60 Capsule
Echinacea purpurea (Echinacea purpurea) supports the proper functioning of the immune system, especially during seasonal changes in the weather and in winter. It is used for ailments of the upper respiratory tract. It helps to maintain the proper condition of…
MEDICA HERBS Echinacea Purpurowa 420mg (Echinacea) 60 Capsules
Echinacea purpurea supports the proper functioning of the immune system, especially during seasonal changes in the weather and the winter period. It is used for ailments of the upper respiratory tract. It helps to maintain the proper condition of the vocal cords…
MEDICA HERBS Epimedium (Aphrodisiac and support for sexual activity) 40 capsules
Epimedium grandiflorum (Epimedium grandiflorum) is a plant originating from Asia. It has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine as a natural aphrodisiac and support for sexual activity.
Medica Herbs GABA 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs GABA 60 kapsułek to produkt stworzony na bazie kwasu gamma-aminomasłowego (GABA). Preparat ten nie posiada żadnych sztucznych dodatków, barwników, ulepszaczy, konserwantów ani wypełniaczy. Dodatkowo ma wygodną do stosowania postać…
Medica Herbs Garcinia Cambogia HCA 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs Garcinia Cambogia HCA to wysokiej jakości produkt, który zawiera wyciąg z owoców Garcinia cambogia (tamaryndowca malabarskiego). Wyróżnia się bezpiecznym, naturalnym i czystym składem, bez zbędnych dodatków, konserwantów i ulepszaczy.…
MEDICA HERBS Garlic (Respiratory system. Liver) 60 capsules
Garlic (Allium sativum) supports the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels and helps to maintain an adequate level of blood lipids. Garlic supports the proper functioning of the immune system, including by supporting the body's natural defense against…
Medica Herbs Gotu kola 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs Gotu kola to wysokiej jakości produkt zawierający naturalny wyciąg z ziela Centella asiatica. Produkt marki Medica Herbs ma wygodną postać kapsułek o prostym i czystym składzie. Gotu kola rośnie szczególnie w strefie tropikalnej i…
Medica Herbs Granat 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs Granat to wyjątkowy produkt, który dostarcza cennego wyciągu ze skórki Punica granatum w postaci kapsułki. Roślina ta jest skarbnicą związków aktywnych. Preparat marki Medica Herbs wyróżnia się prostym, naturalnym składem, pozbawionym…
Medica Herbs Gymnema Morwa Berberyna 500 mg 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Medica Herbs Gymnema Morwa Berberyna to wysokiej jakości produkt, który w 1 kapsułce zawiera 150 mg kwasu gymnemowego (z Gymnema Sylvestre), 2 mg 1-DNJ (z Morus alba) i 97 mg berberyny HCl (z Berberis Aristata). Składniki z naturalnych wyciągów…
MEDICA HERBS Hoary Willowherb (Prostate, urinary system) 60 capsules
Small flowered willowherb (Epilobium parviflorum) supports the proper functioning of the prostate and urinary system in men, thus helping to maintain the proper flow of urine and frequency of urination. Willowberry supports physical and mental well-being and helps…
MEDICA HERBS Houttuynia 60 capsules
Houttuynia cordata (Houttuynia cordata) occurs naturally in Asia. It is a plant that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine.
MEDICA HERBS Hupercine A (Mental performance) 40 capsules
Hupercine A supports proper mental performance, thanks to which it supports proper cognitive functions. It contributes to the improvement of memory, easier assimilation of knowledge, and also increases the ability to concentrate. In addition, it is helpful in…
MEDICA HERBS Japanese Ginkgo (Brain work, nervous system) 60 capsules
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba) supports the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. It helps to maintain proper cognitive functions (memory and concentration). It supports adequate blood flow to the brain, thanks to which cells are better oxygenated…

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