(total products: 160)

Nordic Naturals is a company whose history began in Norway. Its founder after emigrating to the USA noticed that people there do not have access to cod liver oil, which people in his native country ate on a daily basis. It gave him an idea for a business. So in 1995, the company was founded, which to this day has gained millions of supporters around the world, and above mentioned cod oil is today the No. 1 product in the US when it comes to Omega 3 supplementation.


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NORDIC NATURALS Algae DHA 500mg (Omega-3) 60 capsules
The important omega-3 fatty acid DHA helps support healthy brain, eye, and nervous system function, but due to the body's poor ability to convert plant-based omega-3 ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) to healthy amounts of DHA, it can be difficult for vegans and vegetarians…
36,52 €
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Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil 1060mg 237ml Unflavored
Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil - 237ml TRUSTED BRAND - Everything we make is non-GMO and third-party tested, surpassing the strictest international standards for purity and freshness. Certificates of Analysis are available for any product. Nordic Naturals…
32,77 €
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Nordic Naturals Baby's DHA 1050mg - Omega 3 dla dzieci z witaminą D3 w kroplach 60ml
Suplement diety Nordic Naturals Baby's DHA to najwyższej jakości kwas DHA pozyskiwany z dziko żyjących dorszów arktycznych. Dodatkowo został wzbogacony o odpowiednią ilość witaminy D3. Kwas DHA to wielonienasycony kwas tłuszczowy z grupy kwasów Omega-3. Nasz…
20,26 €
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Nordic Naturals Children's DHA 250mg (Omega-3 for Kids) 90 Gel Caps Strawberry
Made exclusively from our pure Arctic Cod Liver Oil, Children’s DHA™ is a naturally balanced source of the omega-3s EPA and DHA that growing kids need for healthy development.   250 mg total omega-3s In easy-to-chew soft gels Supports learning and cognitive…
18,51 €
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Nordic Naturals Children's DHA 530mg 119ml Strawberry
Nordic Naturals Children's DHA 530mg - 473ml Strawberry Purified fish oil is the safest and most reliable source of omega-3 DHA, and it's estimated that only 1% of kids get fish oil regularly. Make sure your child is getting enough of this important nutrient during…
19,51 €
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Nordic Naturals Children's DHA Gummies 600 mg Omega-3 30 żelek o smaku owoców tropikalnych
Nordic Naturals Children's DHA Gummies to suplement diety stworzony specjalnie z myślą o dzieciach. Produkowany jest z dziko żyjących dorszów arktycznych. Stanowią one najczystsze i najlepsze źródło kwasów omega 3.Preparat spełnia specjalne potrzeby dzieci. Mogą…
26,02 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Children's DHA Xtra 880 mg (60 ml)
SKŁAD:Kwasy Omega-3 (DHA, EPA), oczyszczony olej z ryb głębinowych (z anchois i sardynek), d-alfa tokoferol, naturalny aromat jagodowy, naturalna substancja konserwująca: ekstrakt z rozmarynu.SkładnikiW jednej porcjiKalorie10 kcalCałkowita zawartość tłuszczu    1…
36,52 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Children's Eye Health 30 Gummie
Children's Eye Health Gummies provide multi-ingredient support for children's visual development with every tasty bite. Today, children are using digital devices more than ever before. This dramatic increase in screen time means exposure to blue light, which can…
30,77 €
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NORDIC NATURALS DHA 830mg 180 Gel capsules Strawberry
  830 mg total omega-3. Support for the health of the brain and nervous system. Made exclusively from 100% wild sardines and anchovies. Natural strawberry flavor. Smaller, soft jelly that is easy to swallow or chew. This DHA dominant formula provides 480…
57,53 €
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NORDIC NATURALS DHA Xtra 1660mg 60 Softgels
  Cognition Memory Emotional Well-Being Great Strawberry Taste! 1660 mg Omega-3 Non GMO Verified Third-Party Purity Tested Superior Triglyceride Form Dietary Supplement Molecularly Distilled Guaranteed Purity Double dose of high-intensity omega-3…
38,27 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Nordic Berries Multivitamin (Gluten Free Multivitamin for Kids and Adults) Original Flavor 120 gummy berries
Chewable, pectin-based multivitamin for ages 2+ Provides essential nutrients-including zinc and vitamins A, B, C, D3, & E No artificial coloring, flavoring, or preservatives Dairy-free, gluten-free, and gelatin-free Award winner! Numerous awards, including Whole…
NORDIC NATURALS Nordic Berries Multivitamin (Gluten Free Multivitamin for Kids and Adults) Original Flavor 200 gummy berries
Chewable, pectin-based multivitamin for ages 2+ Provides essential nutrients-including zinc and vitamins A, B, C, D3, & E No artificial coloring, flavoring, or preservatives Dairy-free, gluten-free, and gelatin-free Award winner! Numerous awards, including Whole…
45,53 €46,53 €
The Lowest Price in the 30 days prior to the price reduction was 46,53 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Nordic Omega-3 Fishies (Omega-3 EPA DHA for Kids 2+) 36 fishies
Nordic Omega-3 Fishies™ gives the littlest members of your household an easy, tasty way to get a daily serving of the omega-3 EPA+DHA they need for healthy development. 300 mg total omega-3s Supports healthy brain, mood, vision, and immune system functions…
27,77 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Nordic Omega-3 Gummies 82mg 60 Mandarin Gels
  82 mg of total omega-3 fatty acids. A gummy Omega-3 treat for kids ages 2+. Delicious tangerine flavor. Free from artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Gluten-free, yeast-free and dairy-free Nordic Omega-3 Gummies smuggle omega-3 EPA + DHA into…
25,02 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Omega Focus with Citicoline & Bacopa Monnieri Extract 60 Gel capsules
  1280 mg of omega-3 fatty acids plus citicoline and Bacopa monnieri extract A three-in-one formula that combines two highly researched brain-boosting supplements with Nordic Naturals' award-winning fish oil Supports mental focus - the brain's ability to stay…
58,29 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Omega-3 690mg (EPA DHA Support Brain and Heart Health) 120 Softgels Lemon
Nordic Naturals Complete Omega-3 is a non-concentrated formula that blends EPA and DHA from fish oil with GLA from borage oil. The "omega multi," it provides a healthy balance of omegas to support cardiovascular health, brain function, positive mood, as well as…
35,02 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Omega-3 690mg (EPA DHA Support Brain and Heart Health) 60 Softgels Lemon
Nordic Naturals Complete Omega-3 is a non-concentrated formula that blends EPA and DHA from fish oil with GLA from borage oil. The "omega multi," it provides a healthy balance of omegas to support cardiovascular health, brain function, positive mood, as well as…
23,51 €
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Nordic Naturals Omega-3 690mg 180 miękkich kapsułek o smaku cytrynowym
Suplement diety Nordic Naturals Omega-3 to wysokiej jakości produkt, zawierający olej z ryb morskich (sardele i sardynki), który stanowi bogactwo kwasów tłuszczowych z rodziny omega-3, takich jak kwas DHA i EPA. Pełnią one niezwykle ważną rolę w organizmie człowieka.…
52,03 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Prenatal DHA (Omega-3 EPA DHA + Vitamin D3) 90 capsules
Making a baby is no small task, and odds are you're going to need nutritional reinforcement. The official omega-3 of the American Pregnancy Association, Prenatal DHA generously fulfills the recommended daily serving of omega-3 DHA for pregnant and lactating women,…
31,27 €
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Nordic Naturals Prenatal DHA 830 mg Omega-3 + 400 IU D3 180 kapsułek miękkich bezsmakowych
Nordic Naturals Prenatal DHA 830 mg Omega-3 + 400 IU D3 180 kapsułek miękkich bezsmakowych to produkt specjalnie zaprojektowany, by wspierać potrzeby przyszłych mam. Kapsułki są bezsmakowe, co jest istotne dla kobiet doświadczających nadwrażliwości sensorycznej…
55,28 €
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Nordic Naturals Probiotic Gummies KIDS (Probiotic + Prebiotic for Kids) 60 gummies - Berry Punch
  1.5 billion live cultures plus prebiotic fiber With Bacillus coagulans, a potent probiotic that survives passage through GI tract No refrigeration required Yummy merry berry punch flavor for ages 2+ No artificial coloring, flavoring, sweeteners, or preservatives…
21,26 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Ultimate Omega + CoQ10 100mg (Omega-3, Coenzyme Q10) 60 Softgels
  Healthy heart Antioxidant support Cellular energy 1280 mg Omega-3 + 100 mg CoQ10 A better form of triglycerides Guaranteed molecularly distilled purity No aftertaste High intensity Omega-3 + CoQ10 to improve cardiovascular health. Ultimate Omega +…
46,53 €
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Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 1280 mg 180 kapsułek miękkich o smaku cytrynowym
Suplement diety Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega-3 1280 mg to wysokiej jakości produkt, zawierający olej z z ryb morskich, który stanowi bogactwo kwasów tłuszczowych z rodziny omega-3, takich jak kwas DHA i EPA. Pełnią one niezwykle ważną rolę w organizmie człowieka.…
85,05 €
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Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 2840 mg 237 ml o smaku cytrynowym
Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 2840 mg 237 ml o smaku cytrynowym to produkt stworzony z myślą o dostarczeniu wysokiej jakości kwasów tłuszczowych omega-3 w płynnej formie. Jego głównym atutem jest intensywne stężenie składników aktywnych, które zostało połączone…
84,55 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Ultimate Omega 2840mg (Brain support, Immunity) Lemon 119ml
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil. These fatty compounds include EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and have been shown to support general well-being, including heart, brain, muscle, eye and mood health. Research including that…
38,02 €
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Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 2X Fish Oil TEEN 60 mini kapsułek miękkich o smaku truskawkowym
Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 2X Fish Oil TEEN 60 mini kapsułek miękkich o smaku truskawkowym jest specjalnie opracowanym produktem, który ma na celu wsparcie młodych osób w codziennym dostarczaniu niezbędnych kwasów tłuszczowych omega-3 w przyjemnej formie.…
41,52 €
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Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Fish Oil Junior 680 mg 90 mini kapsułek miękkich o smaku truskawkowym
Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Fish Oil Junior 680 mg 90 mini kapsułek miękkich o smaku truskawkowym został stworzony z myślą o dzieciach, które potrzebują odpowiedniego wsparcia w swojej diecie. Produkt dostarcza kwasów omega-3 w postaci łatwych do przełknięcia…
36,02 €
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Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega in Fish Gelatin 1280 mg 60 kapsułek miękkich o smaku cytrynowym
Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega in Fish Gelatin 1280 mg 60 kapsułek miękkich o smaku cytrynowym to suplement diety wzbogacony w wysokiej jakości kwasy omega-3, zawarty w miękkich kapsułkach z rybiej żelatyny, co stanowi doskonałą alternatywę dla osób unikających…
36,02 €
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NORDIC NATURALS Ultimate Omega Xtra 3400mg 237ml Lemon
  A healthy heart Brain health Great lemon flavor! 3400 mg Omega-3 + 1000 I.U. D3 No GMOs Purity tested by an external company A perfect form of triglycerides Molecularly distilled | Guaranteed cleanliness Wild Caught No fishy aftertaste Friend of…
85,05 €
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Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega-3 1280mg (EPA DHA) 120 softgels Lemon
Optimal wellness. It means feeling good each day. And for many of us, it also means stepping up our daily intake of omega-3s EPA and DHA. Our most popular concentrate, Ultimate Omega, gives you all the health benefits of pure, fresh, high-quality fish oil, with…
54,28 €54,28 €
The Lowest Price in the 30 days prior to the price reduction was 47,03 €
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Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega-3 1280mg 60 softgels Lemon
BETTER ABSORPTION - All Nordic Naturals fish oil products are offered in the form of molecular triglycerides - the form found naturally in fish, the form that is most easily absorbed by the body. MORE DOSE - 1280 mg total Omega-3 Nordic Naturals' most popular…
32,77 €
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Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega-D3 Fish Oil 1280 mg 120 kapsułek miękkich o smaku cytrynowym
Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega-D3 Fish Oil 1280 mg 120 kapsułek miękkich o smaku cytrynowym jest produktem wzbogaconym o olej rybi pozyskany w sposób zrównoważony. Zawiera on wysoką zawartość kwasów tłuszczowych omega-3 w połączeniu z witaminą D3, która jest…
63,04 €
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