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STANLAB Dimetylosulfotlenek (DMSO) CZDA (500 ml)
OPIS:Dimethyl sulfoxide jest często stosowany w przypadku zapalenia stawów, ponieważ wspomaga organizm w redukcji wydzielania cytokin, czyli komórek zapalnychPostać: cieczBarwa: bezbarwnaZapach: siarkowyWartość pH: nie dotyczyTemperatura topnienia: 18,5°CTemperatura…
17,68 €
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STANLAB Płyn Lugola 5% (250 ml)
OPIS:Informacje na temat podstawowych właściwości fizycznych i chemicznycha) Stan skupienia cieczb) Kolor ciemnobrązowac) Zapach charakterystyczny zapach jodud) Temperatura topnienia / krzepnięcia niedostępnee) Temperatura wrzenia lub niedostępnepoczątkowa temp…
22,66 €
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STANLAB Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) PURE 250ml
  Form: liquid Color: colorless Odor: sulfurous PH value: not applicable Melting point: 18.5 ° C Boiling point: 189 ° C Flash point: 87 ° C (closed cup) Flammability: flammable product (when hot) Explosion limits: lower - 2.6% (V) upper - 28.5% (V) Vapor…
11,45 €
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STANLAB Olej MCT - Olej kokosowy (500 ml)
OPIS:Olej MCT stanowi najszybciej przyswajalną formę suplementacji zdrowego tłuszczu.Wspiera układ trawienny i układ odpornościowy. Ma właściwości przeciwzapalne i antybakteryjne.Wspomaga proces termogenezy, przyspiesza spalanie tkanki tłuszczowej.Olej MCT to…
12,70 €
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STANLAB MSM (Organic Sulfur) 1kg
The action of organic sulfur is multidirectional. This element has a beneficial effect on the osteoarticular system, namely it is responsible for the proper functioning of joints, bones, fascia and cartilage, muscles and synovial fluid. In addition, organic sulfur…
11,21 €
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STANLAB L-Ascorbic Acid CZDA 1kg
Form: solid White color Odor: odorless pH: about 2.2 - 2.5 (50 g / l H2O, 20 ° C) Melting point: 189-192 ° C Boiling point: decomposition> 192 ° C Auto-ignition temperature: 380 ° C Density: ~ 1.65 g / cm3 Bulk density: approx. 500 - 900 kg / m3 Solubility:…
10,96 €
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STANLAB Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate PURE 1kg
  Form: solid Color: colorless to white Odor: odorless pH: 5.5 - 7 (5% solution) Melting point: 118 ° C. Boiling point: 160 ° C Decomposition temperature: 135 ° C Density: 1.57 g / cm3 (20 ° C) Solubility: in water: 1640 g / l (20 ° C) Application: Chemical…
6,97 €
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STANLAB Activated carbon (Dust) CWZ-22 1kg
Application: in case of diarrhea and food poisoning; in case of indigestion and flatulence; has absorbing properties; helps in removing bacteria and toxins from the body; Activated carbon has healing properties, but is also used in cosmetics: in the care…
STANLAB Activated carbon (Dust) CWZ-22 250g
Application: in case of diarrhea and food poisoning; in case of indigestion and flatulence; has absorbing properties; helps in removing bacteria and toxins from the body; Activated carbon has healing properties, but is also used in cosmetics: in the care…
STANLAB Banana chips 300g
Banana chips are naturally dried banana fruits. They can be eaten and used: as a snack, addition to muesli and salads, for home-made multi-grain bars, as a topping for desserts.
STANLAB Brazil Nuts 250g
  Brazil nuts are one of the most valued nuts in the world. Their taste is similar to that of almonds. It is the perfect snack between meals. It can be used for cakes, desserts, yoghurts and muesli.
STANLAB Błonnik witalny (Wsparcie  trawienia. Kontrola masy ciała) 250g
  can support digestion; can help reduce weight - it causes a feeling of fullness; can support the work of the intestines; can prevent hemorrhoids and colon diseases; Vital Fiber is a combination of psyllium seeds and psyllium husk. The synergistic action…
STANLAB Błonnik witalny (Wsparcie  trawienia. Kontrola masy ciała) 500g
  can support digestion; can help reduce weight - it causes a feeling of fullness; can support the work of the intestines; can prevent hemorrhoids and colon diseases; Vital Fiber is a combination of psyllium seeds and psyllium husk. The synergistic action…
STANLAB Candied ginger cubes 300g
Ginger is an unusual addition to cakes, gingerbreads and desserts. It can also enrich the taste of beverages, teas or coffee.
STANLAB Chlorella (Support for immunity; Cleansing the body) 250g / approx. 1000 Tablets
  has a beneficial effect on the immune system; has detoxifying properties; can help our body fight bacteria and viruses; has an antibacterial effect that can aid faster wound healing; can support cleansing the body and protect the liver; Chlorella (Chlorella…
STANLAB Cinnamon sticks 50g
Cinnamon is used to season sweet dishes such as: fruit soups, cakes, compotes, jelly, jellies, creams, cakes, cottage cheese, puddings. It goes perfectly with baked apple, rice, lamb and mulled wine.
STANLAB Dried cranberries 500g
Dried cranberries. Country of origin: Canada.
STANLAB Dried white mulberry (Perfect snack, addition to desserts) 250g
White mulberry is the perfect snack between meals. It can be added to desserts, yoghurts and muesli. It is also suitable for preparing infusions or teas.
STANLAB Dried white mulberry (Perfect snack, addition to desserts) 500g
White mulberry is the perfect snack between meals. It can be added to desserts, yoghurts and muesli. It is also suitable for preparing infusions or teas.
STANLAB Epsom salt CHCZ (Magnesium sulfate) 1kg
Bitter salt has health-promoting properties. The beneficial effect on the mental sphere is described many times, it consists in putting you in a good mood by alleviating the symptoms of stress, anxiety or depression. Epsom salt bath, thanks to the supply of large…
STANLAB Fish Collagen Powder (Joints and Skin Support) 100g
Regardless of whether we choose bovine, pork, chemically synthesized collagen or fish collagen - application for joints, skin, anti-aging and prophylactic use on the locomotor system - these are the most common directions of its use. The use of collagen may contribute…
STANLAB Ground turmeric (Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect) 250g
Turmeric has an effect: anti-inflammatory antibacterial relaxing regulating blood sugar levels stimulating immunity supporting the liver and three hundred The Tumeron compound found in turmeric may support the multiplication and differentiation of brain…
STANLAB Jabłczan magnezu (Magnez, Mięśnie, Umysł, Znużenie) 250g
  can help reduce fatigue; can positively affect the nervous system; can improve memory and cognitive function; can support the regeneration of the body, helps to remove lactate from the muscles; Magnesium malate means quick absorption and good digestibility…
STANLAB Jabłczan magnezu (Magnez, Mięśnie, Umysł, Znużenie) 500g
  can help reduce fatigue; can positively affect the nervous system; can improve memory and cognitive function; can support the regeneration of the body, helps to remove lactate from the muscles; Magnesium malate means quick absorption and good digestibility…
STANLAB Mieszanka studencka 1000g
  Student mix is a perfectly composed snack containing a mixture of nuts and dried fruit. A great alternative for a lunch or snack during the day or between meals. It can also be used as an addition to cakes, desserts, fruit salads and muesli. It will enrich their…
STANLAB Mieszanka studencka 250g
Student mix is a perfectly composed snack containing a mixture of nuts and dried fruit. A great alternative for a lunch or snack during the day or between meals. It can also be used as an addition to cakes, desserts, fruit salads and muesli. It will enrich their…
STANLAB Mieszanka studencka 500g
Student mix is a perfectly composed snack containing a mixture of nuts and dried fruit. A great alternative for a lunch or snack during the day or between meals. It can also be used as an addition to cakes, desserts, fruit salads and muesli. It will enrich their…
STANLAB Mint dried leaves 150g
Dried mint leaves. Country of origin Poland.
STANLAB Morwa biała owoce 200g
Drinking infusions may help in the absorption of carbohydrates regulate blood glucose levels regulate cholesterol in the fight against free radicals in counteracting the symptom of atherosclerosis Dried white mulberry fruit contains iron, chromium and…
STANLAB Morwa biała owoce 400g
Drinking infusions may help in the absorption of carbohydrates regulate blood glucose levels regulate cholesterol in the fight against free radicals in counteracting the symptom of atherosclerosis Dried white mulberry fruit contains iron, chromium and…

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