1,500 mg of omega-3 per daily dose (2 x 3 capsules) 100% natural wild-caught Arctic cod oil 100% natural product - not derived from concentrate Cleaned of impurities, PCBs and heavy metals Rosemary extract as an antioxidant Does not cause the unpleasant…
100% natural wild-caught Arctic cod oil from sustainable fishing 2,000 mg of omega-3 per daily dose (1 tablespoon) High in DHA Pleasant lemon flavor Cleaned of impurities, PCBs and heavy metals The nutrient-rich cold Arctic Ocean in which the cod grows…
Norsan Omega-3 Fisk dla dzieci olej rybny 150 ml o smaku pomarańczowym to suplement diety stworzony z myślą o najmłodszych. Zawiera on wysokiej jakości olej rybny pozyskiwany z dzikich ryb pochodzących z wód arktycznych. Dzięki dodatkowi w postaci naturalnego…
Norsan Omega-3 FISK Jelly to suplement diety, który umożliwia łatwe i przyjemne uzupełnienie diety dzieci w cenne kwasy tłuszczowe omega-3. Żelki o smaku cytrynowo-truskawkowym są wygodne do spożycia i przyciągają uwagę dzieci, co ułatwia zadbanie o ich codzienną…
1,500 mg of omega-3 per daily dose (4 capsules) With natural fish oil from the sustainable fishing of wild fish. Cleaned of impurities, PCBs and heavy metals With rosemary extract as an antioxidant Perfect for traveling It does not cause unpleasant bouncing…
1,120 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per daily dose (1 teaspoon) For children from the first days of life (dosage according to age) Orange flavor A combination of natural fish oils from the sustainable fishing of wild fish Cleaned of impurities, PCBs and heavy…
With natural fish oil from the sustainable fishing of wild fish 250 mg of Omega-3/1 jelly For children from 3 years Lemon-strawberry flavor - no added sugar! Easy to eat Cleaned of impurities, heavy metals and PCBs With vitamin D. Children especially…
2,000 mg of omega-3 per daily dose (1 tablespoon) High EPA content With natural fish oil from the sustainable fishing of wild fish Cleaned of impurities, PCBs and heavy metals With organic olive oil as an antioxidant 800 IE Vitamin D3 100% natural product…
100% vegan oil with no fish added Seaweed Oil: Rich in EPA and DHA 2,000 mg of omega-3 per daily dose (1 teaspoon) Low-emission and environmentally friendly cultivation With organic olive oil as an antioxidant 800 IE Vitamin D3 (vegan) Pleasant lemon…
100% vegan oil with no fish added 1.700 mg of omega-3 per daily dose (4 capsules) With seaweed oil: rich in EPA & DHA From low-emission and environmentally friendly farming With rosemary extract as an antioxidant Perfect for traveling It does not cause…