Main Page » SOLGAR


(total products: 317)

We are pleased to introduce Solgar - a supplements producer that has been in the market since 1947. One of the main objectives of the brand is to create products of the highest quality. To ensure the quality and freshness of their items, the manufacturer demands strict specifications for raw materials from each supplier during every delivery. The most popular Solgar products include vitamins, minerals, and herbal products. We believe that excellent health is the key to a fulfilling life, which is why we invite you to use Solgar products and join us on the journey to better well-being and health.


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SOLGAR B-COMPLEX with Vitamin C Stress Formula, 100 Tabletek
B Complex vitamins are needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which convert food into energy.
SOLGAR BCAA Plus (Branched Chain Amino Acids) 100 Vegetarian Capsules
  Diet supplement Branched chain amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. The product does not contain: sugar, salt, starch Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Kosher, Vegan, Vegetarian BCAA - Branched Chain Amino Acid - are branched chain amino acids. These…
SOLGAR BCAA Plus (Branched Chain Amino Acids) 100 Vegetarian Capsules
  Diet supplement Branched chain amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. The product does not contain: sugar, salt, starch Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Kosher, Vegan, Vegetarian BCAA - Branched Chain Amino Acid - are branched chain amino acids. These…
SOLGAR Beetroot extract 500 mg - Burak wyciąg 5:1 (90 kaps.)
SKŁADNIKI:Wyciąg z buraków (5:1), substancje wypełniające: maltodekstryna, celuloza mikrokrystaliczna, hydroksypropylometyloceluloza, środki przeciwzbrylające: dwutlenek krzemu, roślinny stearynian magnezu.SkładnikiW dziennej porcji (1 kapsułka)Wyciąg z buraków…
SOLGAR Beta Glucans - Beta-1,3-D-Glukan (60 tabl.)
Opis:Beta-glukany pomagają w utrzymaniu prawidłowego poziomu cholesterolu we krwi.Składniki:koncentrat ściany komórkowej drożdży Saccharomyces cerevisiae, substancje wypełniające (celuloza mikrokrystaliczna, roślinny kwasy tłuszczowe, celuloza roślinna), substancje …
SOLGAR Bilberry Ginkgo Eyebright Complex 60 Vegetarian capsules
  A high-quality combination of the right ingredients for the proper functioning of our eyesight It has only proven and tested ingredients It protects eyes against external factors Nutrition of the structure of the eye tissue This patented, antioxidant-rich…
SOLGAR Bilberry, Ginkgo, Eyebright Complex Plus Lutein 60 vegetarian capsules
  A high-quality combination of the right ingredients for the proper functioning of our eyesight It has only proven and tested ingredients It protects eyes against external factors Nutrition of the structure of the eye tissue This patented, antioxidant-rich…
SOLGAR Biotin 10,000 (Biotin, Hair, Skin and Nails) 60 Vegetarian Capsules
Biotin is a water-soluble B-vitamin. It helps to promote healthy skin, nails and hair, and is necessary for certain enzymes to work properly. Biotin also supports energy production in the body, and is required for protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism.
SOLGAR Biotin 5000 mcg (50 kaps.)
SKŁADNIKI:Biotyna (jako D-biotyna), Fosfor (jako fosforan dwuwapniowy), substancja wypełniająca: mikrokrystaliczna celuloza, celuloza roślinna; substancja przeciwzbrylająca: sole magnezowe kwasów tłuszczowych roślinne, dwutlenek krzemu.Składniki aktywneW 1 kapsułce*RWS%Biotyna5000…
SOLGAR Biotin 5000mcg (Biotin, Hair, Skin and Nails) 100 Vegetarian Capsules
Biotin is a water-soluble B-vitamin. It helps to promote healthy skin, nails and hair, and is necessary for certain enzymes to work properly. Biotin also supports energy production in the body, and is required for protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism.
SOLGAR Boswellia Resin Extract - Boswellia ekstrakt z żywicy (60 kaps.)
OPIS:Kadzidłowiec indyjski boswellia serrata to roślina, która z powodzeniem jest używana od wielu set lat w medycynie naturalnej Wschodu. Solgar Boswellia Resin Extract jest wysokiej jakości suplementem diety o czystym i prostym składzie, po który chętnie wracają…
SOLGAR Botanical Complex for Women 30 capsules
Menopausal symptoms such as irritability, decreased libido, mood swings, insomnia, and hot flushes) are very common and can significantly hinder a woman's life. The Botanical Complex for women combines the synergy of traditional botanical specifics with plant…
SOLGAR Bromelain 1000 GDU 60 capsules
Bromelain is a digestive enzyme from the group of hydrolases that supports the digestion of dietary proteins. Solgar bromelain comes from fresh pineapples, and a special process of obtaining it allows you to keep all its enzymatic properties intact.
SOLGAR Calcium and Magnesium in the form of Citrate (Bones and joints) 100 Tablets
Calcium provides the building blocks that help keep bones and teeth strong and healthy.* It also supports the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, and is involved with heartbeat regulation.* Magnesium helps to regulate calcium transport and stimulates the secretion…
SOLGAR Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D3 60 Tablets
Calcium is an essential mineral needed every day for proper health. 99% of the body’s calcium can be found in the bones and teeth. This mineral provides the building blocks that help keep bones and teeth strong and healthy. In addition, calcium helps to support…
SOLGAR Calcium Magnesium Boron 100 Tablets
It contains calcium and magnesium in the form of organic compounds: citrates and gluconates, and inorganic compounds - calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide. The presence of boron supplements the ingredients of the preparation.
SOLGAR Calcium Magnesium plus Boron (250 tabl.)
SKŁAD:Wapń (węglan, glukonian wapnia, cytrynian), magnez (tlenek, cytrynian, glukonian), bor (kwas cytrynowy, sód, boran sodu); sód; substancja wypełniająca: celuloza mikrokrystaliczna; substancja poślizgowa: hydroksypropylometyloceluloza; barwnik: dwutlenek tytanu;…
SOLGAR Calcium Magnesium plus Zinc (Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc) 100 tablets
Calcium provides the building blocks that help keep bones and teeth strong and healthy. It also supports the health of musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Magnesium helps to regulate calcium transport and stimulates the secretion of calcitonin, a hormone that…
SOLGAR Cayenne Pepper 100 vegetable capsules
  body weight reducation suitable for vegans Cayenne pepper is known to all lovers of spicy dishes, but this is not its only advantage. Scientists have proved that it contributes to weight reduction. Since the beginning of its existence, Solgar has been looking…
SOLGAR Chelated Iron 100 Tablets
Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the body and promotes iron rich blood. Iron promotes normal red blood cell production and supports energy utilization. This formulation provides an advanced,…
SOLGAR Chelated Magnesium (Support for nerves, muscles, bones, heart) 100 Vegan Tablets
Magnesium helps to regulate calcium transport and absorption. By stimulating the secretion of the hormone calcitonin, it aids the influx of calcium into bone and promotes optimal bone mineralization. Magnesium also works with ATP to release the energy needed to…
SOLGAR Chelated Solamins Multimineral - Sole Mineralne Chelaty (90 tabl.)
SKŁADNIKI:Składniki3 tabletki(dzienna porcja)              RWS             Wapń(diglicynian, węglan)                    500 mg63%Magnez(diglicynian, tlenek)250 mg67%Potas(chlorek potasu)99 mg5%Cynk(diglicynian)10 mg100%Żelazo(diglicynian żelaza)10 mg71%Mangan(diglicynian)4…
SOLGAR Chelated Zinc (Support for immunity, skin, eyes, taste, vision, bones) 100 Vegan Tablets
Citrus Bioflavonoids comprise a group of water-soluble plant pigments found in foods such as oranges and lemons, and are partly responsible for giving these foods their colorful look. They possess antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals in the body.…
SOLGAR Cherry Turmeric Complex (60 kaps.)
SKŁADNIKI:Wyciąg z owoców wiśni pospolitej, wyciąg z kłącza ostryżu, wyciąg z kłącza imbiru, kwercetyna, sproszkowane nieprzetworzone owoce pieprzu kajeńskiego, bioperine (wyciąg z owoców pieprzu czarnego), otoczka kapsułki roślinnej (hydroksypropylometyloceluloza),…
SOLGAR Chewable Vitamin C (Immunity) 500mg - 90 Lozenges
  natural flavor suitable for vegans The preparation is a very tasty source of vitamin C. The presence of acerola and rose hips creates very good conditions for supplementing many valuable ingredients (flavonoids), which help maintain the level of vitamin…
SOLGAR Choline 350mg (Choline) 100 Vegetarian Capsules
  Choline is a member of the B complex, which is a component of cell membranes that provide vital support to keep cells functioning at optimal levels Choline is involved in brain chemistry where it is used to synthesize acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a critical…
SOLGAR Chromium Picolinate (Trivalent) 200 mcg Elemental Chromium (180 kaps.)
OPIS:Każda kapsułka zawiera 200 mikrogramów elementarnego chromu (jonów chromu), których źródłem jest związek chemiczny – trójpikolinian chromu. Ta postać jest wchłaniana w znacznie większym stopniu w porównaniu z innymi formami – chlorkiem i nikotynianem chromu.SKŁADNIKI:Chrom…
SOLGAR Chromium Picolinate 200mcg 90 Vegetarian Capsules
Chromium is an essential trace mineral that plays an important role in helping insulin regulate blood glucose. Along with a nutritious diet, chromium may help maintain healthy blood sugar levels already within a normal range. In addition, chromium is a component…
SOLGAR Chromium Picolinate 500mcg - 120 vegetarian capsules
Chromium is an essential trace mineral that plays an important role in helping insulin regulate blood glucose. Along with a nutritious diet, chromium may help maintain healthy blood sugar levels already within a normal range. In addition, chromium is a component…
SOLGAR Cinnamon and Alpha Lipoic Acid - 60 vegetarian tablets
Cinnamon has been traditionally used to support wellness for thousands of years.* Cinnamon’s natural polyphenols have a beneficial effect on sugar metabolism, helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels already within a normal range.* Alpha Lipoic Acid is an…
SOLGAR Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex 1000mg (Antioxidant properties) 100 Vegan Tablets
Citrus Bioflavonoids comprise a group of water-soluble plant pigments found in foods such as oranges and lemons, and are partly responsible for giving these foods their colorful look. They possess antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals in the body.…
SOLGAR Cod Liver Oil - Vitamins A&D (100 kaps.)
SKŁADNIKI:Witamina A (palmitynian retinylu): Witamina D (cholekalcyferol); Olej z wątroby dorsza, żelatyna. gliceryna roślinna, palmitynian retinylu, cholekalcyferol, mieszane tokoferole. Zawiera ryby (dorsz).  Składniki aktywneW 1 kapsułce(zalecana dzienna porcja).%RWS Witamina…

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