Main Page » LABS212


(total products: 42)
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LABS212 ALLmag (3 forms of magnesium, Fatigue and Fatigue) 90 Vegan Capsules
The ALLmag® dietary supplement is a complex magnesium supplement containing 3 organic forms of magnesium: malate, gluconate and citrate, and B vitamins: vitamin B1, vitamin B2 in the form of R-5-P, vitamin B5 in the form of D -calcium pantothenate and vitamin…
25,86 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 L-Lysine PLUS (Lysine with Zinc + Vitamin D) 45 Vegetarian Capsules
L-Lysine Plus dietary supplement is a preparation in the form of a plant capsule, containing lysine, zinc in the form of an organic compound (zinc gluconate) and patented vitamin D Quali®-D derived from lanolin (sheep's wool). Lysine (L-lysine) is an essential…
18,65 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate (Asparaginian Ornityny) 70g
LABS212 L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate (Ornithine Aspartate) 70g is a preparation containing L-ornithine L-aspartate in the form of a tasteless powder that dissolves well in water. L-ornithine L-aspartate is a stable salt of the two very important amino acids L-ornithine…
36,30 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Vitamin B6 (P-5-P + Pyridoxine) 60 capsules
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble substance called pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 pyridoxine: helps in maintaining proper psychological functions, helps in the proper functioning of the immune system, contributes to the reduction of tiredness and weariness, contributes…
13,92 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Vitamin D3 + K2MK7 Liquid (Immune system, Bones, Muscles, Teeth) 10ml
  Support for the immune system Patented vitamin D Quali®-D Liquid formula with MCT oil Microbiologically tested for heavy metals, ethylene oxide Vitamin D3 + K2MK7 Liquid dietary supplement is a liquid formulation containing the patented vitamin D cholecalciferol…
12,93 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 AdaptoPOWER (Ashwagandha, Cognivia, Guarana, Zinc, B6, B12) 60 Vegetarian Capsules
Ashwagandha dietary supplement (AdaptoPOWER™) is a capsule preparation containing ashwagandha extract standardized to 7.81% withanolides, lavender leaf and sage extract, guarana seed extract standardized to 22% caffeine, zinc in the organic form of picolinate,…
15,66 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 CurcuVITA (Curcumin, Piperine, Vit. A, B2, D3, Selenium) 30 Vegetarian Capsules
  New generation turmeric extract C3 Reduct® Standardised to 95% tetrahydrocurcuminoids Certified research-based curcumin Innovative composition: curcumin, piperine, vitamin A, B2, D3, selenium Microbiologically tested for heavy metals and ethylene oxide…
33,56 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 SOD Superoxide dismutase 60 capsules
  Tetra-SOD®, certified extract of freeze-dried Tetraselmis chuii microalgae High activity of the SOD enzyme Tetra-SOD® contains superoxide dismutase in the highest available concentration (30,000 IU / g) Microbiologically tested for the presence of heavy…
20,88 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Magnesium taurate, malate (Nervous system support) 94g
The dietary supplement Magnesium taurate, malate is a preparation containing magnesium taurate and magnesium malate, in powder form. Magnesium is an essential and irreplaceable component of the cell's biochemical functions, being an activator of over 300 different…
18,89 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 B12 Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) 180 Sublingual Tablets
  Reformulation! Smaller 6 mm tablet size, 100 mcg B12 per serving Support for the nervous system Recommended for B12 deficiency in vegan and vegetarian diets A methylated form of vitamin B12 Microbiologically tested for heavy metals, ethylene oxide Vitamin…
12,18 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 FEROMAX (red blood cell production, iron absorption) 60 vegetarian capsules
FeroMax™ dietary supplement is a preparation intended for people with low iron and ferritin levels. Iron levels are one of the most important indicators of human health. Iron is responsible for tissue regeneration and their proper growth, and supports the fight…
27,84 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Sodium Butyrate - Maślan sodu (60 kaps.)
OPIS:Suplement diety Sodium Butyrate (Maślan sodu) to preparat w postaci kapsułki roślinnej z opóźnionym uwalnianiem, zawierający maślan sodu standaryzowany, aż do 99% kwasu masłowego. To najwyższa istniejąca na rynku standaryzacja maślanu sodu.Kwas masłowy należy…
15,41 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 ADEK Liquid (10 ml)
OPIS:-Wsparcie układu odpornościowego-Patentowana witamina D Quali®-D-Naturalne formy witamin: K2MK7 na nośniku z oliwy, palmitynian retinylu, naturalny cholekalcyferol oraz D-alfa-tokoferol-Płynna formuła z olejem MCT-Przebadano mikrobiologicznie, na obecność…
18,15 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Beauty Collagen - skin, hair & nails - Kolagen w proszku (30 porcji)
Opis:Peptydy kolagenowe zawarte w Beauty Collagen™ zostały zbadane w randomizowanym z podwójnie ślepą próbą i kontrolowanym placebo badaniu klinicznym, po 8 tygodniach stosowania, u grupy aktywnej, w porównaniu do grupy placebo stwierdzono:redukcję objętości zmarszczek o…
23,12 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 KPU 60 Vegetarian Capsules
The KPU dietary supplement is a preparation in the form of a vegetable mini-capsule, size "3" (15 mm), containing the optimal combination of: carnosine, zinc in the form of an organic compound (zinc citrate), vitamin B (in the form of P5P and pyridoxine hydrochloride),…
20,14 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Magnesium Citrate 63g
Magnesium is an essential and irreplaceable component of the biochemical functions of the cell, activating over 300 different enzymes, actively participating in the course of important metabolic pathways, such as: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, β-oxidation or ion…
18,40 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 NAC - N-Acetylo-L-Cysteina 300 mg (60 kaps.)
OPIS:Suplement diety NAC to preparat w postaci małej kapsułki roślinnej zawierający N-Acetyl-L-Cysteinę, molibden, witaminę B1 w aktywnej formie pirofosforanu tiaminy, witaminę B2  w formie fosforanu 5′-ryboflawiny oraz L-selenometioninę.N-Acetyl-L-Cysteina jest…
20,63 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 B Spectrum Vitamins B without B9 and B12 60 Vegetarian Capsules
The B spectrum dietary supplement is a formula that is an innovative combination of B vitamins, with the exception of vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamin). It is distinguished by a fresh look at supplementation of B vitamins, which consists in gathering…
23,12 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 B2 Riboflavin 5'-Phosphate + Riboflavin 36mg (Vitamin B2) 60 Capsules
Vitamin B2 is a water-soluble substance, also known as riboflavin. Riboflavin is a compound with a characteristic yellow-orange colour, discovered during work on the analysis of cow's milk and known until the 1920s as lactochrome.  Vitamin B2 riboflavin: Helps…
18,89 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Vitamin D3 - Żelki z witaminą D3 (60 żelek)
OPIS:Witamina D:pomaga w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu układu odpornościowego,pomaga w prawidłowym wchłanianiu/wykorzystywaniu wapnia i fosforu,pomaga w utrzymaniu prawidłowego poziomu wapnia we krwi,pomaga w utrzymaniu zdrowych kości,pomaga w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu…
19,14 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 B9 Folian 5-MTHF (60 kaps.)
OPIS:Witamina B9 kwas foliowy:wspiera prawidłowe funkcjonowanie układu nerwowego,wspiera prawidłowe działanie funkcji psychicznych,pomaga w prawidłowej koncentracji, zdolności uczenia się,wspiera prawidłowe funkcjonowanie pamięci i rozumowania,bierze udział w…
11,44 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Carnitine (Energy production) 72g
Carnitine (Carnitine) is a powdered food supplement which dissolves well in water and has a pleasant, refreshing sourish taste. The supplement is made from a combination of two highly absorbable and active forms of carnitine: carnitine fumarate and acetyl L-carnitine…
26,10 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 B Complex (60 kaps.)
OPIS:Suplement diety B Complex to formuła stanowiąca innowacyjne połączenie witamin z grupy B. Wyróżnia się świeżym spojrzeniem na suplementację witamin z grupy B, które polega na łączeniu różnych form, tych samych witamin, w jednym preparacie. Preparat zawiera…
30,83 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 B1 Coenzymated Cocarboxylase + Thiamine 50mg (Vitamin B1) 60 Capsules
Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble substance, also known as thiamine. Vitamin B1 thiamine: contributes to the normal course of mental (psychological) functions, Contributes to maintaining normal energy metabolism, helps in correct functioning of nervous system,…
18,65 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C, Immunity) 150g
Dietary supplement Vitamin C is a powder preparation containing L-ascorbic acid. The preparation is intended for adults as a supplement to the daily diet with vitamin C. Vitamin C: helps in maintaining the proper functioning of the immune system, also during…
10,69 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Melatonin - Żelki z melatoniną (30 żelek)
OPIS:Melatonina to hormon naturalnie produkowany przez szyszynkę w mózgu, który odgrywa kluczową rolę w regulacji cyklu snu i czuwania. Jej produkcja zwiększa się wieczorem, gdy zapada zmrok, co sygnalizuje organizmowi, że czas na sen. W ciągu dnia, gdy jest jasno,…
16,91 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 L-Leucine B1 B3 (Leucine + Vitamin B1 B3) 60 capsules
L-Leucine B1 B3 (Leucine + Vitamins B1, B3) is a supplement containing leucine combined with two forms of vitamin B1 and with nicotinic acid B3. Leucine: an exogenous amino acid that the human body is unable to produce on its own and must be supplied with…
25,61 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 L-Lysine Zinc Picolinate (Immune Support) 45 Vegan Capsules
L-Lysine Zinc Picolinate is a dietary supplement provided in vegan capsules containing lysine and zinc in the form of an organic compound (zinc picolinate). Zinc in the highly absorbable form of zinc picolinate Lysine (L-Lysine) is an essential amino acid found…
13,67 €14,42 €
The Lowest Price in the 30 days prior to the price reduction was 12,93 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Vitamin D3 + K2 (Vitamin D3, K2MK7) 60 Vegetarian Capsules
Dietary supplement Vitamin D3 + K2 is a preparation in the form of a vegetable capsule, containing vitamin D cholecalciferol and natural vitamin menaquinone K2 MK7. Vitamin D: helps in the proper functioning of the immune system, helps in the proper absorption…
13,92 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 BEAUTY HAIR™ (vitamins for hair) 60 capsules
BEAUTY HAIR™ dietary supplement is a capsule preparation containing keratin hydrolyzate Cynatine® HNS, L-cysteine, L-methionine, L-lysine, bamboo shoot extract DER 98:1 standardized to 70% silica, saw palmetto fruit extract DER 20 :1 standardized to 45% fatty…
42,76 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Myo-inositol (supports cognitive skills, support in PCOS and insulin resistance) 100g
Myo-Inositol dietary supplement is a powdered preparation containing a selected inositol fraction: myo-inositol. Inositol is a famous lipotropic factor. The highest concentration of inositol occurs in the brain, where it plays an important role: it binds neurotransmitters…
28,84 €
pcs. Add to cart
LABS212 Betaine Citrate 70g
LABS212 Betaine Citrate is a powder formulation containing Betaine Citrate. The preparation is intended for adults as a supplement to the daily diet with betaine citrate. Betaine is responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12, proteins, calcium and, what is…
24,86 €22,38 €
The Lowest Price in the 30 days prior to the price reduction was 22,13 €
pcs. Add to cart

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