Main Page » OLIMP


(total products: 295)

Olimp is a well-known and valued brand in the nutrients and supplements industry. Hailing from the renowned Dębica region in Podkarpacie, Olimp was founded in 1990 and has since been recognized for its innovative solutions and dedication to product quality. Notably, their Mega Caps have become a testament to their commitment, as these large-sized capsules contain essential vitamins and minerals tailored for active individuals.

The Polish manufacturer's product range is comprehensive, including a wide array of nutrients, health-promoting products, functional foods, functional drinks, and even accessories and training clothing. Olimp's reputation for excellence has led to fruitful collaborations, including a long-standing partnership with Mariusz Pudzianowski, a renowned strongman and mixed martial artist.

With a legacy of trust and efficacy, Olimp remains a preferred brand for health-conscious individuals seeking reliable and effective supplements. Discover the vast selection of Olimp's offerings and embark on a journey towards enhanced well-being and peak performance.


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OLIMP Creatine Monohydrate Xplode (Creatine Monohydrate) 500g BAG
  Supplements the diet with creatine, vitamin D and B6 Increases physical performance during exercise (creatine) Help in reducing the feeling of fatigue (vitamin B6) Working on a muscular figure requires dedication. Building strength and muscle mass must…
Olimp Creatine Xplode 260g o smaku pomarańczowym
Suplement diety Olimp Creatine Xplode 260 g o smaku pomarańczowym to wyjątkowy produkt, który zawiera kreatynę w 6 zróżnicowanych formach. Preparat ten ma bezpieczny i prosty skład, bez żadnych dodatków, ulepszaczy czy konserwantów. Może być przyjmowany przez…
Creatine Xplode ™ is recommended for all people practicing sports, regardless of their level of advancement. In any situation, this innovative supplement will contribute to a significant improvement in training performance and noticeable shortening of the body's…
Olimp Creatine Xplode Powder 260g o smaku grejpfrutowym
Olimp Creatine Xplode Powder 260 g o smaku grejpfrutowym to innowacyjny suplement diety stworzony z myślą o osobach aktywnych fizycznie, zwłaszcza tych wykonujących ćwiczenia o wysokiej intensywności. Powyższy suplement diety od firmy Olimp to idealny wybór dla…
Olimp Creatine Xplode w proszku 260g o smaku ananasowym
Suplement diety Olimp Creatine Xplode w proszku o smaku ananasowym to wyjątkowy produkt, który zawiera kreatynę w 6 zróżnicowanych formach. Preparat ten ma bezpieczny i prosty skład, bez żadnych dodatków, ulepszaczy czy konserwantów. Może być przyjmowany przez…
OLIMP CYNKOVir Immuno (Zinc, Immunity) 30 lozenges
  Zinc in the highly absorbable form of Albion ™ amino acid chelate and zinc gluconate Effectiveness supported by research Comfortable lozenges Supports the proper functioning of the immune system Supports the protection of cells against oxidative stress…
Experts from Olimp Laboratories have, several years ago, irrevocably closed the period of designing dietary supplements aimed at increasing internal production, affecting the body only through one biochemical mechanism. With the development of science and the…
OLIMP Define It Lady - Perfect Body 60 tablets
DEFINE IT LADY® was designed especially for women who want to reduce weight and maintain aesthetic body shape. It helps to speed up the metabolism and to optimize its rate. In its modern composition DEFINE IT LADY® contains, among others SINETROL® - a patented…
Olimp Detoxeed-Pro 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Olimp Detoxeed-Pro to wysokiej jakości produkt, który zawiera cenne ekstrakty roślinne z pieprzu czarnego, kurkumy, ostropestu plamistego, żurawiny wielkoowocowej, pokrzywy zwyczajnej i karczocha. Stanowi doskonałe źródło choliny, cynaryny, proantocyjanidyny,…
OLIMP Dextrex Juice (Dextrose) 1000g
Olimp Dextrex Juice contains dextrose, a carbohydrate that increases the secretion of hormones with anabolic effects. Improve endurance and speed up building muscle mass. Appropriately selected carbohydrates are necessary if we want to ensure proper muscle condition.…
Gainerator® is the ideal choice for bodybuilders and enthusiasts of strength sports, for which the development and maintenance of high quality muscle mass is a priority. Gainerator® based on carbohydrate sources with the lowest IG, and protein sources with a long…
Gainerator® is the ideal choice for bodybuilders and enthusiasts of strength sports, for which the development and maintenance of high quality muscle mass is a priority. Gainerator® based on carbohydrate sources with the lowest IG, and protein sources with a long…
OLIMP Endugen (Oxygen Efficiency + Energy) 60 capsules
While analysing the physical activity of both professional endurance athletes and individuals who practice recreational endurance sports, we can see that such physical effort is highly variable in nature: dynamic starts, fast changes of direction, abrupt braking…
Olimp Essentix 30 kapsułek
Suplement diety OLIMP Essentix to wysokiej jakości produkt, który stanowi źródło choliny i fosfatydylocholiny (z soi) oraz witamin A i E. Preparat ten ma postać płynnych kapsułek, specjalnie opatentowanych w taki sposób, by zapewnić szybkie wchłanianie i chronić…
OLIMP Extreme Speed Shot - 20 x 25ml
How does Extreme Speed® Shot Energy Matrix work? All ingredients of Extreme Speed® Shot were selected to mutually supplement and intensify their effect (absolute synergy). The unique composition of Extreme Speed® Shot Energy Matrix is supposed to intensify to…
OLIMP Extreme Speed Shot - 25ml
How does Extreme Speed® Shot Energy Matrix work? All ingredients of Extreme Speed® Shot were selected to mutually supplement and intensify their effect (absolute synergy). The unique composition of Extreme Speed® Shot Energy Matrix is supposed to intensify to…
Olimp Fire Energy gel + BCAA 36g o smaku pomarańczy
Olimp Fire Energy gel + BCAA 36 g o smaku pomarańczy to wyjątkowy suplement diety w formie żelu stworzony z myślą o potrzebach osób aktywnych fizycznie, które szukają szybkiego zastrzyku energii podczas intensywnego wysiłku Powyższy suplement diety firmy Olimp…
Olimp Fire Energy gel + Caffeine 36g o smaku tropikalnym
Olimp Fire Energy Gel + Caffeine 36 g o smaku tropikalnym to suplement diety w formie żelu energetycznego stworzony z myślą o osobach aktywnych fizycznie, którym zależy na dostarczeniu sobie zastrzyku energii podczas intensywnych treningów czy zawodów sportowych.…
Articular cartilage, bones, ligaments are elements of the musculoskeletal system that are often exposed to overload in physically active people. So it's worth taking care of them to be able to train intensively. With this in mind, experienced scientists developed…
Articular cartilage, bones, ligaments are elements of the musculoskeletal system that are often exposed to overload in physically active people. So it's worth taking care of them to be able to train intensively. With this in mind, experienced scientists developed…
OLIMP GAIN BOLIC 6000® contains only the most exclusive ingredients, i.e. micellar casein, ultrafiltered whey and egg protein. The addition of properly arranged portions of creatine, dextrose and taurine definitely accelerates and intensifies the anabolic effect…
Olimp Gain Bolic 6000 3,5 kg o smaku truskawkowym
Suplement diety Olimp Gain Bolic 6000 to kompleksowa kompozycja węglowodanów o różnych indeksach glikemicznych, białek serwatkowych WPC, kazeiny micelarnej, białka jaja, z wysokiej jakości monohydratem kreatyny i tauryny. Preparat ten jest anabolikiem, przeznaczonym…
OLIMP Garlicin (Garlic Extract, Odorless) 30 Capsules
  It helps in the proper functioning of the immune system It supports the maintenance of normal levels of cholesterol and blood lipids Garlic extract without a sharp and characteristic odor Dietary supplement containing highly concentrated odorless extract…
OLIMP Gladiator High Protein Bar
GLADIATOR® HIGH PROTEIN BAR DO NOT BE A SICKNAME WHO WILL RUN WITH HUNGER AND CHEERE FOR SOMETHING SWEET! Let's start with the facts: We love sweets, right? Do we have remorse when we eat them? We often get hungry - not just the "little one" - between meals…
OLIMP Gladiator High Protein Bar - box 15pcs
GLADIATOR® HIGH PROTEIN BAR DO NOT BE A SICKNAME WHO WILL RUN WITH HUNGER AND CHEERE FOR SOMETHING SWEET! Let's start with the facts: We love sweets, right? Do we have remorse when we eat them? We often get hungry - not just the "little one" - between meals…
Olimp Glucosamine Flex 60 kapsułek
Składnik - 3 kapsułki (%RWS)Siarczan glukozaminy 2 KCl, - 2000 mg (-)w tym: Glukozamina - 1190 mg (-)Chlorek potasu - 500 mg (-)Witamina C - 60 mg ((75%))Składniki: siarczan glukozaminy 2KCl (ze skorupiaków), kwas L-askorbinowy – wit. C, substancja wypełniająca…
GLUTAMINE MEGA CAPS® / MEGA CAPSULES® is a preparation that contains 100% pharmaceutical, micronized form of glutamine - an amino acid found in high concentration in muscles and plasma. Glutamine is an important amino acid for the adaptation of muscle tissue.…
GLUTAMINE MEGA CAPS® / MEGA CAPSULES® is a preparation that contains 100% pharmaceutical, micronized form of glutamine - an amino acid found in high concentration in muscles and plasma. Glutamine is an important amino acid for the adaptation of muscle tissue.…
OLIMP GLUTAMINE 1400 MEGA CAPS BIG PACK (30 kaps x 30 blist)
GLUTAMINE MEGA CAPS® / MEGA CAPSULES® is a preparation that contains 100% pharmaceutical, micronized form of glutamine - an amino acid found in high concentration in muscles and plasma. Glutamine is an important amino acid for the adaptation of muscle tissue.…
THIS TASTY GLUTAMINE YOU NEVER SUCCESSFUL YET! Once again, we decided to respond to the needs of our clients (raising the bar for ourselves and the supplementing market) and bring to the market, a truly innovative product composed to minimize the muscle damage…
Olimp Gold - Vit C 1000 Forte 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Olimp Gold - Vit C 1000 Forte to wysokiej jakości produkt, który zawiera innowacyjną formę kwasu askorbinowego . Preparat ten został wzbogacony o dodatek bioflawonoidów cytrusowych. Ma wygodną do stosowania formę kapsułek. Witamina C wykazuje…
Olimp Gold - Vit D3 + K2 2000 IU 60 kapsułek
Suplement diety Olimp Gold - Vit D3 + K2 to wysokiej jakości produkt, który zawiera łatwo przyswajalne formy witamin D i K. Witaminy te rozpuszczają się w tłuszczach. Suplement od Olimp ma prosty, bezpieczny skład oraz wygodną do stosowania formę kapsułek płynnych…

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