(total products: 17)
Pharmabest is a young brand from Poland offering variety of dietary supplements. This Warsaw based company has been delivering probiotic kinds of supplements since 2013. In the manufacturer’s offer we can find lactoferrin and LoGGic supplements. Pharmabest started their cooperation also with the brand Vivomixx. The company’s products will help in a healthy and proper child’s development but also will benefit older people. Pharmabest focuses on their constant development and is reaching bigger and bigger group of consumers.

Pharmabest Vivomixx® w kroplach 1x5ml
Suplement diety PHARMABEST Vivomixx® to wysokiej jakości produkt, który dostarcza szczepów bakterii probiotycznych: Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum,…
17,72 €
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LACTOFERRIN 15 packets
Lactoferrin is a powder product for oral consumption. One sachet contains 100 mg lactoferrin from cow's milk (bLF). The powder inside the LAKTOFERYNA sachet is white or cream colored. Lactoferrin is an active protein, naturally occurring in many body fluids,…
14,48 €
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LACTOFERRIN 15 capsules
Lactoferrin is a powder product for oral consumption. One sachet contains 100 mg lactoferrin from cow's milk (bLF). The powder inside the LAKTOFERYNA sachet is white or cream colored. Lactoferrin is an active protein, naturally occurring in many body fluids,…
Lactoferrin IgG 15 Lozenges
Lactoferrin IgG is a supplement indicated for supplementing the diet with ingredients supporting the functioning of the immune system. Lactoferrin IgG is a dietary supplement in lozenges. The preparation contains bovine colostrum, lactoferrin and vitamin D3.…
LACTOFERRIN Oral Drops 8ml
Lactoferrin oral drops are a dietary food for special medical purposes, which contains micronized, natural, pure lactoferrin. The preparation is indicated for use as support for immunity, but also supportive in infections, in the case of iron disorders and in…
LoGGic 30 Probiotic - 30 Capsules
The capsule contains 3 billion (3 x 109) colony forming units (cf.) of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103). LoGGic30® capsule has the shape of a rounded on the ends of the cylinder, white color. Product form: hard gelatin capsules.
LoGGic 60 Probiotic - 20 caps
The capsule contains 6 billion (6 x 109) colony forming units (cf.) of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103). LoGGic60® capsule has the shape of a rounded on the ends of the cylinder, white color. Product form: hard gelatin capsules.
LoGGic+ Probiotic drops 7ml
LoGGic + is a dietary supplement for special medical purposes in the form of oral drops (suspensions). The product contains selected probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103). The bacterial lyophilisate has been developed in an innovative and…
Pharmabest Loggic®+ w kroplach 7 ml
Suplement diety PHARMABEST LoGGic®+ to wysokiej jakości produkt, który zawiera wyjątkowy szczep bakterii probiotycznych Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Każda porcja dostarcza powyższych mikroorganizmów, które żywe i w niezmienionej formie docierają do jelit. Preparat…
Pharmabest Vivomixx® 5 mld o smaku borówkowym 10 saszetek
Pharmabest Vivomixx® 5 mld to suplement diety w formie 10 saszetek z proszkiem o atrakcyjnym borówkowym smaku. Każda saszetka jest przeznaczona do sporządzania zawiesiny i zawiera 5 miliardów (5 x 109) jednostek tworzących kolonie (jkt.). Vivomixx® został stworzony…
VIVOMIXX  225 (Maintaining a healthy intestinal flora) 10 Sachets
Vivomixx 225 is a dietary supplement in the form of a powder for suspension containing a lyophilisate of live probiotic bacteria cultures - De Simone Formulation®. Intended for dietary supplementation of children over 3 years of age and adults. The formula of…
VIVOMIXX  Micro (Gastrointestinal Disorders) 30 capsules
  Contains 8 different strains of probiotic bacteria, 10 billion colony forming units (CFU) in 1 capsule, Gluten-free, lactose-free, The capsule size makes them much easier to swallow for younger children and the elderly. Vivomixx Micro is a dietary supplement…
VIVOMIXX 112 (Maintaining a healthy intestinal flora) 10 Capsules
Contains lyophilized live probiotic bacteria cultures. Intended for dietary supplementation of infants, children and adults. The capsule contains 112 billion (1.12×1011) colony forming units (cfu.).
VIVOMIXX Probiotic 10 packets
Vivomixx® is a dietary supplement in the form of a powder, containing 8 different strains, lyophilized live cultures of lactic bacteria and bifidobacteria and the Streptococcus thermophilus strain in an amount not less than 450 billion (4,5x1011) colony forming…
VIVOMIXX Probiotic 3 x 10 packets
Vivomixx® is a dietary supplement in the form of a powder, containing 8 different strains, lyophilized live cultures of lactic bacteria and bifidobacteria and the Streptococcus thermophilus strain in an amount not less than 450 billion (4,5x1011) colony forming…
Vivomixx® is a dietary supplement in the form of a powder, containing 8 different strains, lyophilized live cultures of lactic bacteria and bifidobacteria and the Streptococcus thermophilus strain in an amount not less than 450 billion (4,5x1011) colony forming…

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