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(total products: 167)
Trec Nutrition - Elevate Your Potential

Though the name may carry an international flair, Trec Nutrition stands as a prominent Polish supplement manufacturer. Since its establishment in 2001, Trec has been a steadfast presence in the market. This brand's reach extends across Poland and numerous other countries, reflecting their dedication to quality.

Trec Nutrition boasts an impressive array of products that cater to diverse needs. Their offerings encompass whey proteins, creatine, fat burners, vitamins, minerals, and supplements that support joint and bone health. Notably, their product range extends to encompass a variety of nutritious foods.

Beyond supplements, Trec Nutrition proudly sponsors the Trec Team Athletes group. This collective brings together individuals from the bodybuilding, fighting, gym, and life coaching spheres. The company's influence goes beyond nourishment, with their apparel line, known as "Trecwear," reflecting their commitment to a holistic lifestyle.

Discover Trec Nutrition and take a step towards optimizing your potential.


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  It is responsible for retaining more amino acids in the body It inhibits cortisol secretion HIGH SPEED GLUTAMINE, OR THE QUEEN OF AMINO ACIDS IN FAST ACCESSIBLE FORM Glutamine is probably the most busy amino acid in our body. It performs a number of important…
TREC HMB Formula Caps 120 Caps
HMB, OR A STRONG ANTICATABOLIC TO IMPROVE HORIZONTAL ENERGY AT THE COST OF HAT FAT! HOW HMB IS MADE AND WHY IT IS A STRONG ANTI-CATABOLIC HMB is a compound resulting from the transformation of one of the branched chain amino acids - leucine. In most studies,…
TREC HMB Formula Caps 440 Caps
HMB, OR A STRONG ANTICATABOLIC TO IMPROVE HORIZONTAL ENERGY AT THE COST OF HAT FAT! HOW HMB IS MADE AND WHY IT IS A STRONG ANTI-CATABOLIC HMB is a compound resulting from the transformation of one of the branched chain amino acids - leucine. In most studies,…
TREC HMB Formula Caps 70 Caps
HMB, OR A STRONG ANTICATABOLIC TO IMPROVE HORIZONTAL ENERGY AT THE COST OF HAT FAT! HOW HMB IS MADE AND WHY IT IS A STRONG ANTI-CATABOLIC HMB is a compound resulting from the transformation of one of the branched chain amino acids - leucine. In most studies,…
TREC IMMUN-ER (Comprehensive immunity support) 270g Orange
Immun-er is a comprehensive dietary supplement for immunity. Vitamins A, B6, C and D and zinc help in the proper functioning of the immune system. Inosine It is a chemical compound associated mainly with AMP, of which it is a precursor (ATP may be formed from…
0 g sugar and 0 g fat; 100% highest quality whey protein isolate; Suitable protein supplement for people who train intensively and want to achieve a sporty figure; Contained protein contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. Trec isolate is…
Trec L-Carnitine 3000 120 kapsułek
Suplement diety TREC L-Carnitine 3000 120 kapsułek to produkt, który zawiera wysokie stężenie niezbędnego aminokwasu L-karnityny. Kapsułki zostały zaprojektowane tak, aby zapewnić optymalną porcję tego ważnego składnika odżywczego dla szybkiego wchłaniania i maksymalnej…
TREC L-Carnitine 3000 25ml Apricot
  As much as 1500 mg of L-carnitine per serving; Concentrated gel L-carnitine; Very good digestibility; Recommended during body shaping. L-CARNITINE 3000 is a preparation containing easily absorbable, liquid L-carnitine in unbound form - L-carnitine base.…
TREC Magnum 8000 1600g
carefully selected amounts of varied carbohydrates, wholesome proteins, MCT oil and a large portion of creatine monohydrate for bodybuilders, strength athletes and active people seeking to gain weight contains carefully selected amounts of varied carbohydrates,…
TREC Magnum 8000 4000g
carefully selected amounts of varied carbohydrates, wholesome proteins, MCT oil and a large portion of creatine monohydrate for bodybuilders, strength athletes and active people seeking to gain weight contains carefully selected amounts of varied carbohydrates,…
TREC Martahon (Formuła wytrzymałościowa) 400g
  This supplement contains magnesium, potassium and calcium which help in the proper functioning of the muscles; It contains taurine, L-carnitine and a complex of B vitamins, including vitamins B6, B12, niacin and riboflavin, which contribute to the reduction…
Trec Mass XXL 1 kg o smaku słonego karmelu
Trec Mass XXL 1 kg o smaku słonego karmelu to suplement diety przeznaczony dla osób aktywnych fizycznie. Charakteryzuje się wysoką zawartością białka i węglowodanów, co czyni go idealnym uzupełnieniem diety w okresach zwiększonego wysiłku fizycznego. Produkt…
TREC Max Carb 1000g
  perfectly soluble complex of various oligo- and polysaccharides, enriched with electrolyte elements contains carbohydrates, which contribute to the restoration of normal muscle function (contraction) after very intense or prolonged physical exertion especially…
TREC Max Carb 3000g
  perfectly soluble complex of various oligo- and polysaccharides, enriched with electrolyte elements contains carbohydrates, which contribute to the restoration of normal muscle function (contraction) after very intense or prolonged physical exertion especially…
TREC MORPHEUS (Melatonin, GABA and L-tryptophan) 60 Tablets
MORPHEUS is a dietary supplement containing melatonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and L-tryptophan. This is an overnight formula. Melatonin helps in shortening the time needed to fall asleep. The beneficial effect occurs when 1 mg of melatonin is consumed…
TREC Nitrobolon II 1100g
  contains creatine, which improves efficiency during consecutive short, very intense exercise Powder creatine stack, combining L-arginine malate, L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate and citrulline malate with the most effective forms of creatine. It contains…
TREC Nitrobolon II 550g
  contains creatine, which improves efficiency during consecutive short, very intense exercise Powder creatine stack, combining L-arginine malate, L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate and citrulline malate with the most effective forms of creatine. It contains…
Trec Nitrobolon Pump Shot 100 ml o smaku wiśniowym
Suplement diety Trec Nitrobolon Pump Shot to wysokiej jakości mieszanina substancji, przeznaczonych do stosowania przed treningiem. Zawiera między innymi aminokwasy, sok z buraka czy glicerol. Wyróżnia się pysznym, wiśniowym smakiem oraz wygodną do stosowania…
TREC Omega 3-6-9 120 Caps
  complex of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA-3, OMEGA-6 and OMEGA-9 acids from natural sources contains essential fatty acids (EFAs) from the omega-3 and omega-6 families that the body cannot produce by itself and must be supplied in the daily…
TREC Omega 3-6-9 60 Caps
  complex of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids OMEGA-3, OMEGA-6 and OMEGA-9 acids from natural sources contains essential fatty acids (EFAs) from the omega-3 and omega-6 families that the body cannot produce by itself and must be supplied in the daily…
Trec Rękawice neoprenowe do morsowania Black-orange roz. L
Trec Rękawice neoprenowe to niezbędny element wyposażenia każdego miłośnika morsowania, nurkowania czy innych aktywności w chłodnej wodzie. Dzięki wyjątkowej izolacji termicznej i doskonałej elastyczności, zapewniają komfort i ciepło. Rękawice zostały wykonane…
Trec Rękawice neoprenowe do morsowania Black-orange roz. M
Trec Rękawice neoprenowe to niezbędny element wyposażenia każdego miłośnika morsowania, nurkowania czy innych aktywności w chłodnej wodzie. Dzięki wyjątkowej izolacji termicznej i doskonałej elastyczności, zapewniają komfort i ciepło. Rękawice zostały wykonane…
Trec S.A.W. 2.0 Shot 12 x 100 ml
Suplement diety Trec S.A.W. 2.0 to wysokiej jakości produkt, który przeznaczony jest do stosowania przed treningiem. Zawiera kompleks kreatyny, beta-alaniny, kofeiny oraz aminokwasów: L-argininy, L-cytruliny, L-tyrozyny, a także glicerolu i glukoronolaktonu. Preparat…
Trec S.A.W. w proszku 400g o smaku porzeczkowo - cytrynowym
Suplement diety Trec S.A.W. to wysokiej jakości kompozycja aminokwasów, kofeiny i wyciągów z owoców. Składniki aktywne zostały dobrane w taki sposób, by dostarczać tego, czego organizm potrzebuje podczas wysiłku fizycznego. Zaletą tego suplementu jest prosty…
Trec Skarpety neoprenowe do morsowania Black-orange roz. 41-43
Skarpety neoprenowe Trec to niezbędny element wyposażenia każdego miłośnika morsowania, nurkowania czy innych aktywności w chłodnej wodzie. Dzięki wyjątkowej izolacji termicznej i doskonałej elastyczności, te skarpety zapewniają komfort i ciepło podczas zanurzeń.…
Trec Soy Protein Vege Białko Sojowe w proszku 750 g o smaku słonego karmelu
Trec Soy Protein Vege Białko Sojowe w proszku 750 g to suplement diety szczególnie polecany osobom pragnącym wzbogacić swoją suplementację o roślinne źródło białka. Białko sojowe od Trec może poszczycić się wysoką zawartością aminokwasów, w tym argininy i glutaminy,…
Trec Soy Protein Vege Białko Sojowe w proszku 750 g o smaku waniliowym
Suplement diety Trec Soy Protein Vege Białko Sojowe w proszku to wysokiej jakości produkt, który zawiera izolat białka sojowego. Stanowi on w pełni roślinne i pełnowartościowe źródło protein. Dostarcza wielu aminokwasów oraz może być stosowany przez osoby nietolerujące…
TREC Strong-C 1000 100 Tab
About the brand:   Even though the name sounds quite foreign, Trec is a polish manufacturer of supplements. It’s been on the market since 2001. Trec Nutrition has been successfully selling their products in Poland and many other countries. Their most popular…
TREC Tribulon 120 Caps
  contains 60% of natural plant steroids TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS EXTRACT [60% SAPONINE]. TRIBULON is a product containing concentrated Tribulus Terrestris extract (Tribulus terrestris). TRIBULON has a high - 60% content of natural plant steroids. TRIBULON is recommended…
TREC Tribulon 60 Caps
  contains 60% of natural plant steroids TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS EXTRACT [60% SAPONINE]. TRIBULON is a product containing concentrated Tribulus Terrestris extract (Tribulus terrestris). TRIBULON has a high - 60% content of natural plant steroids. TRIBULON is recommended…
TREC Tribulon Black 120 Caps
Contains Tribulus extract, standardized to 95% content of bioactive saponins designed for professional athletes TRIBULON BLACK. Diet supplement. TRIBULON BLACK is a professional formula containing an ultra-concentrated Tribulus extract, standardized for a…
TREC Tribulon Black 60 Caps
About Mark:   Even though the name sounds quite foreign, Trec is a polish manufacturer of supplements. It’s been on the market since 2001. Trec Nutrition has been successfully selling their products in Poland and many other countries. Their most popular products…

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